gdb - itzjac/cpplearning GitHub Wiki

Best way to learn gdb is going through the assembly and disassembly instructions, the same techniques are applied to higher level languages. The following tutorial is a detailed gdb explanation on how to debug x86 binaries on a Linux machine that has a x64 OS.

Other useful tutorials

Comprehensive tutorial about gdb - GNU debugger

Give me 5min and I will change your view of GDB

Little programming Guides | C, C++, Linux, gdb by Faye Williams

Use a file to specify the information you want to print on every step

display/10i $eip
display/x $eax
display/x $ebx
display/x $ecx
display/x $edx
display/x $edi
display/x $esi
display/x $ebp
display/16xw $esp
break main

Will display 10 assembly instructions from the eip, eax, ebx ... ebp resgisters, and 16 instructions from esp.

If this file is called commands.txt, to invoke from command line

$gdb myProgram -x commands.txt

If you want to explore memory instead of displaying

$x/x $eax

To only print the eax content

$print/x $eax

When using breakpoint on function, like main on our command list, gdb skips all the function setup call (push ebp, mov ebp, esp, etc..). So how can we visualize the entire function call sequence?

$x/10i main

Which will print 10 assembly instructions starting from main.

Stepping in code and assembly instructions respectively. Step over with next


Step over and step out


List current break points

$break 10
$break main
$info breakpoints
$layout regs
$layout asm