Home - itsvermaji/speedlabs-ekart-module GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the e-kart module


SpeEdLabs Ekart module

The e-kart module for speedlabs!
About Speedlabs

About The Project

The purpose of this module is that institutes/coachings can publish their products/courses on this platform and students can make purchases of the courses offered by their respective institute. Students will be able to access the products after payments. This module is a part of a larger application and later on it will be integrated.

Built With

We used following technologies and frameworks for the development of this module.


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/himanigulati01/speedLabs.git
  2. Go to client directory

    cd speedlabs-ekart-module/client
  3. Install NPM packages for react

    npm install
  4. Start your react server

    npm start
  5. Go to server directory

    cd ../server
  6. Go to server directory

    npm install
  7. Enter your database details in .env.example and rename it to .env

  8. Start your development server

    node server

Developers Contact

Backend and Database

Deepak Verma - @linkedin - deepakverma.pb34@gmail.com - 2018ucp1173@mnit.ac.in

Frontend and Designing

Raghav Ranjan - @linkedin

Himani Gulati - @linkedin

Project Link


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