options - itdelatrisu/opsu GitHub Wiki

Located in Song Selection screen under Other Options (look below of the screen with four row of buttons, a profile card, opsu! play logo, and a back button; the rightmost button is Other Options). The menu can also be opened by pressing CTRL+O on the Main Menu or Song Selection screen.

Slide left/right on the tab to decrease/increase the value respectively.

Please slide responsibly as the Android port is very touch-sensitive.



Option Effect Notes
Prefer metadata in original language Where available, song titles will be shown in their native language (and character-set)


Option Effect Notes
Disable automatic updates Enable to not update opsu! to the latest new release opsu! Desktop only



Option Effect Notes
Resolution opsu! screen size opsu! Desktop only
Fullscreen mode Enable to allow opsu! to use the whole screen opsu! Desktop only


Option Effect Notes
Frame limiter Frame limiter opsu! Desktop only
Show FPS counter Show a subtle FPS counter in the bottom-right corner of the screen

Detail Settings

Option Effect Notes
Snaking sliders Sliders gradually snake out from their starting point.
Combo bursts A character image is displayed at combo milestones.
Hit lighting Adds an effect behind hit explosions.
Perfect hits Whether to show perfect hit result bursts (300s, slider ticks).
Follow points Whether to show follow points between hit objects.

Main Menu

Option Effect Notes
Enable Dynamic Backgrounds The song background will be used as the main menu background
Parallax Add a parallax effect based on the current cursor position
Enable Theme Song Whether to play the theme song upon starting opsu!



Option Effect Notes
Background dim Percentage of dim the background image during gameplay 0% - 100%
Force default playfield Use own skin's playfield
Show Hit Error Bar Shows precisely how accurate you were with each hit



Option Effect Notes
Master Global volume level. 0% - 100%
Music Volume of music. 0% - 100%
Effects Volume of menu and game sounds 0% - 100%
Hit sounds Volume of hit sounds 0% - 100%
Disable all sound effects May resolve Linux sound driver issues. Requires a restart.

Offset Adjustment

Option Effect Notes
Universal offset Adjust this value if hit objects are out of sync. -500ms - 500ms (-75ms)



Option Effect Notes
Skin Click to change skin Default skin is called "Default"
Load HD images Load HD (@2x) images when available. Increases memory usage and loading times.
Ignore all beatmap skins Ignore Beatmaps' Skins
Always use skin cursor Use own skin cursor
Cursor Size Change the cursor scale 0.50x - 2.00x. Default is 1.00x
Disable Cursor Hide the cursor sprite



Option Effect Notes
Disable mouse wheel in play mode During play, you can use the mouse wheel to adjust the volume and pause the game. This will disable that functionality. No effect in Android port
Disable mouse buttons in play mode This option will disable all mouse buttons. Specifically for people who use their keyboard to click.


Option Effect Notes
Left Game Key Tap to change Click any key in keyboard to change the key. Default: Z. No effect in Android port
Right Game Key Tap to change Click any key in keyboard to change the key. Default: X. No effect in Android port



Option Effect Notes
Fixed Circle Size (CS) Force the size of circles and sliders Disabled - 10.0
Fixed HP Drain Rate (HP) Force rate of health loss Disabled - 10.0
Fixed Approach Rate (AR) Force display length of hit objects Disabled - 10.0
Fixed Overall Difficulty (OD) Force time window judgement Disabled - 10.0
Fixed Speed Determines the speed of the music Disabled - 3.00x. Can be sped up again using Double Time mod.


Option Effect Notes
Track Checkpoint Press Ctrl+L while playing to load a checkpoint, and Ctrl+S to set one. Slide to change the timing. PC only. Does not work on Android port.
Replay Seeking Enable a seeking bar on the left side of the screen during replays. PC only. Does not work on Android port.


Option Effect Notes
Detailed loading progress Display more specific loading information in the splash screen.


Option Effect Notes
UI Scale Scales aesthetics UI elements except Hit Objects and the playfield. Restart required. 0.2 - 3.0. Default: 2.0
Enable in-game pause button Shows an in-game pause button {located at lower-right of the screen}
Enable New Slider Use the new Slider style.
Old Slider Quality Lower value for better looking sliders 1 - 7. Enable New Slider must be disabled.
Enable in-game scoreboard Display the in-game scoreboard
Remove some spinner UI elements Makes spinners less laggy (maybe)


  • Unless stated, the options apply immediately after modification.
    • Restart = Ctrl + Shift + F5 (PC only).
    • For Android, close and open opsu! after applying the change.
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