Calculating a firemission with BCS - itc-addons/ITC_Land_Systems GitHub Wiki

This tutorial will tell you how to calculate a firemission with the BCS.

Important: All directions in the BCS are in mils.

1. Ensure your battery setup is correct

Make sure your battery setup has the correct gun type selected, and make sure your guns have been added to the gun list with their correct locations and elevations. Directions will also be required when shooting with deflection, but can otherwise just be set to 0.

2. Create a new firemission

Once you create a firemission, you'll get sent to its setup page, and the firemission will be stored in the sidebar for later use.


On the setup page of the firemission, you can change the name if you want to more easily reference it later.

Target Type

Changing the target type will also change the following input fields. Shift and Polar will require you to use a stored location to adjust off. Quicklay will simply allow you to quickly fire missions adjusted off of your own position, this is intended largely for direct fire use.

Target grids can be entered as 6, 8 or 10 digit grids.

When you're done on this page, you can press next.

3. Engagement settings

Ammo Type

The Ammo Type input field is important, as it will differently calculate a firemission based on a shell's requirements, for example illumination or ICM missions will automatically take in to account burst heights.

Sheaf Type

The Sheaf Type field has the following options: **Note: The input fields under the sheaf type only affect Special Sheafs **

  • Parallel: All guns fire the same azimuth and deflection
  • Converged: All guns will fire directly on the target location
  • Linear: Guns will engage perpendicular to the gun target line with a 40m spread
  • Open: Guns will engage perpendicular to the gun target line with a 60m spread
  • Special: Guns will engage based on the following input fields.

Special Sheaf Input

  • Quick Sheaf: Will engage perpendicular to the gun-target line
  • Direction: direction of sheaf used if quick sheaf is off
  • Length: are over which rounds will be distributed

4. Solutions

The solutions page will show you the calculated solutions, and let you cycle through them. Solutions are shown as low-high alternating.


The solutions page has a shot timer which will count down your time to impact. The status of this will also be shown in the mission list of the sidebar, where the mission next to the name will say SHOT when the timer is started, and SPLASH at the configured time before impact.

5. Adjustments

The adjustments page will let you adjust firemissions. The input fields are:

  • OT: Observer to Target direction, the axist off which the adjustment will be calculated(can be 0 for north when adjusting with cardinal directions)
  • AD: Add/Drop, how far you're adjust forwards or backwards along the OT, for Drop, use negative values
  • LR: Left/Right, how far you're adjust left or right along the OT, for Left, use negative values
  • UD: Up/Down, how far you're adjusting up or down in elevation, for down, use negative values