Getting started with the project - ita-social-projects/WhatBackend GitHub Wiki

Getting started (WIP)


General logic & application purpose description


Entities & their relations

Divide into subchapters and describe. Add ER-model




Project architecture

The architecture of our project is multi-layered, each of which has its own responsibilities: The main layer of interaction is the API with which the client works Associated with him

  • The main part of the project with
    • Data layer
    • Core level
    • Business logic level
  • Admin panel
  • Message sending microservices Brief description of project components and how they interact with each other:


Project structure

Back-end side of the project is stored inside CharlieBackend solution, which is a container for projects in Visual Studio.

The solution consists of the following projects:


Name Type Description References to other projects
CharlieBackend.Core class library Is a project that stores core elements of the application such as entities, DTOs and models. none
CharlieBackend.Data class library Is a project that stores: application's database context, configurations for all of the entities, and repositories that provide access to database interaction operations (including basic CRUD operations). CharlieBackend.Core
CharlieBackend.Business class library Is a project that stores business logic services (both interfaces and their implementations). CharlieBackend.Core, CharlieBackend.Data
CharlieBackend.Api web application Is a ASP.NET Core Web API project that is responsible for handling HTTP requests. CharlieBackend.Core, CharlieBackend.Business, CharlieBackend.Root
CharlieBackend.Root class library Is a composition root project for dependency injection. CharlieBackend.Business, CharlieBackend.Data
CharlieBackend.Api.UnitTest unit test project Is a project that stores unit tests. CharlieBackend.Core, CharlieBackend.Business, CharlieBackend.Data
CharlieBackend.AdminPanel web application Is a ASP.NET Core MVC project that provides admin-specific UI for application's administrator. CharlieBackend.Core

Targeted framework

Currently all of the projects are targeting .NET Core 3.1

Installed NuGet packages

In the list below you can see some of the main NuGet packages that are installed and used by the projects:

Some of the projects may reference same NuGet packages.

Interacting with endpoints

Description See wiki page


Authentication & authorization

To log in to the app you should open Swagger and in the “Account” section choose first request (path “/api/accounts/auth”) and pass email and password (remember, that in the table accounts in the column ‘password’ we store encrypted passwords and you can not use them). If you passed incorrect parameters you will receive error 401 “Incorrect credential, please, try again”. In case of a successful transaction, you will receive code 200 and information about your account.

For account validation uses the JSON web security token (JWT). This allows protecting information transferred between client and server in one of the safest ways. JWT contains:

  • header - information on how the JWT signature should be calculated
  • payload - carry the bulk of our JWT, also called the JWT Claims.
  • signature - a hash of the following components: the header, the payload, secret.

Upon successful operation, you will receive a bearer token - a cryptic string, generated by the server in response to a login request. Before submitting requests, you must submit this token in the "Authorization" field.

There are four user roles in the application:

  • student,
  • mentor,
  • secretary,
  • admin.

When registering an account, you must enter email, first name, last name, password (and confirm it). You will then have a user account with no role assigned. The role must be specified later. You can choose only three roles: student, mentor, secretary in the appropriate API section (admin can be added only to the database and by other admin).


Useful links


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