Send mail from another account - israel-dryer/Outlook-Python-Tutorial GitHub Wiki

If you have multiple accounts hooked up to your Outlook application, you may want to send from one or more of those accounts.

There is a property on the MailItem called SendUsingAccount. Unfortunately, this property doesn't appear to work in Python from my own experience and based on research I've done on the internet. However, there is a solution.... and here it is.

The example below assumes that my default profile is: [email protected]. However, I'd like to send from another account: [email protected], which is setup in my Outlook application.

import win32com.client as client

# dispatch the Outlook application
outlook = client.Dispatch('Outlook.Application')

# get the account object associated with the account you want to send from
gmail = outlook.Session.Accounts['[email protected]']

# create a mail item
mail_item = outlook.CreateItem(0)
mail_item.To = '[email protected]'
mail_item.Subject = 'Testing a message'
mail_item.Body = 'Hey there. I hope you get this message.'

# set the account to send from
mail_item._oleobj_.Invoke(*(64209, 0, 8, 0, gmail))

# send or save the message

An alternative method to get the account object is by index (my gmail is in position 2)

# index with zero-based indexing
gmail = outlook.Session.Accounts[1]

# index with the `Item` property
gmail = outlook.Session.Accounts.Item(2)

# print a list of all accounts available
for account in outlook.Session.Accounts: