phase 4 - isel-leic-ls/2122-2-common GitHub Wiki

Phase 4


This document describes the requirements for the fourth and final phase of the Software Laboratory project.


Additional Operations

  • Update the create user operation, to receive a password.

  • Create a new operation that receives the user's email and password, and returns the user's token.

Single Page Application

  • Produce views to create a new user (Sign In) and to obtain the user's token (Login).
  • The received token should be stored until the user closes the browser window/tab or explicitly executes logout.

Hosting on Heroku

Host the application on the Heroku.

  • Create an Heroku free account. Heroku is an example of a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider.
  • Install the Heroku CLI (Command Line Interface) on all the development machines.
  • On the Heroku web site, create a new application
    • The name should follow the following structure:isel-ls-2122-2-<turma>-g<número-do-grupo>.
    • Select the "Europe" region.
  • On the application home page, provision the "Heroku Postgres" add-on using the "Hobby Dev - Free" plan.
    • Add a JDBC_DATABASE_URL environment variable to your heroku application, using the credentials available in heroku dashboard.
  • Create the tables in the heroku postgres database, use psql, pgAdmin or a similar tool.
  • On the command line, gradlew build
  • Install docker desktop
  • Add the Dockerfile to the the root of the group repository, this file should contain all the information to create the docker image, see our example here
  • On the command line, do heroku container:login.
  • Create the docker image and push the image to the Heroku Registry, on the command line, do heroku container:push web -a isel-ls-2122-2-<turma>-g<número-do-grupo>
  • On the command line, do heroku container:release web -a isel-ls-2122-2-<turma>-g<número-do-grupo>

To launch application in developer machine

  • docker build -t <name:x> .
  • docker run -d -p 9000:8080 --env PORT=8080 --env JDBC_DATABASE_URL="jdbc:postgresql://host.docker.internal/<database>?user=<username>&password=<password>" <name:x>

Refactoring code

This phase should be used to critically review all code baseline, and refactoring to improve code quality should be a goal. Also, more tests should be produced ir order to increase the overall coverage.


The technical report should be updated and/or extended with the relevant technical information. The sections developed in the previous phases can be improved or changed. There should not be a separate report for each phase.


The completed project must be delivery until June 18 (end of week 15), via the creation of a 1.0.0 tag on the GitHub repository.

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