phase 2 - isel-leic-ls/2122-2-common GitHub Wiki


This document describes the requirements for the second phase of the Software Laboratory project.



All Web API GET operations that return a sequence should support paging, i.e., the ability to return a subsequence from the overall sequence. This paging is defined by two parameters:

  • limit - length of the subsequence to return.
  • skip - start position of the subsequence to return.

For example, the request GET /users?skip=6&limit=3 returns the users subsequence starting at the seventh user and ending on the ninth user.

Additional Operations

  • Delete a set of activities, given the following additional information:

    • activities - a set with the activities ids to remove
  • Get the list of users that have an activity, given the following parameters:

    • sid - sport's identifier
    • rid - route's identifier

The list should be sorted by activity duration.

Single Page Application

The main requirement for the second phase is the delivery of a Single Page Application (SPA) to provide a Web User Interface to the GET operations developed in the first phase.

In this repository there are two examples of simple Single Page Applications:

  1. A simple one
  2. One more complete using a router

To see these two examples working, you must launch the HTTPServer application on file and go to the following URI on your web browser: http://localhost:9000/

Note that the routes in file have been updated.

The UI responses for any successful requests, must comply to the following:

  • When the corresponding API response contains an array, the HTML view must include a link to each element detail. For instance, the HTML generated on a successful GET to /users must include links to each user's details.

  • All HTML views must contain links required to ensure the navigability defined in the following graph:

Link graph

(Click here for a bigger picture)

  • All views must include links to home, users, sports, routes and activities.


The technical report created for phase 1 should be updated and/or extended with the relevant technical information. The sections developed for phase 1 can be improved or changed. There should not be a separate report for phase 2. The goal is to have a single report, updated through all the project phases.

There isn't any template for phase 2.

Delivery date

The phase 2 must be delivered until the end of week 8 (April 30), through the creation of the 0.2.0 tag on the group´s GitHub repository.