Mental Health Assessment - isaric4c/wiki GitHub Wiki

Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
mha_ph4_nervous Patient health questionnaire (PH4) (Anxiety PH2 and Depression PH2)

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?
radio 1 - Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge 0, Not at all ; 1, Several days ; 2, More than half the days ; 3, Nearly every day
mha_ph4_worrying radio 2 - Not being able to stop or control worrying 0, Not at all ; 1, Several days ; 2, More than half the days ; 3, Nearly every day
mha_ph4_little_interest radio 3 - Little interest or pleasure in doing things 0, Not at all ; 1, Several days ; 2, More than half the days ; 3, Nearly every day
mha_ph4_depressed radio 4 - Feeling down, depressed or hopeless 0, Not at all ; 1, Several days ; 2, More than half the days ; 3, Nearly every day
mha_ph2_anxiety_score calc PH2 Anxiety score (1 + 2) sum([mha_ph4_nervous], [mha_ph4_worrying])
mha_ph2_depr_score_2 calc PH2 Depression score (3 + 4) sum([mha_ph4_little_interest], [mha_ph4_depressed])
mha_ptsd_memories b) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Screening Questions radio i) Have you had any unwanted memories of your illness or hospital admission whilst you were awake, so not counting dreams? 1, Yes ; 0, No
mha_ptsd_dreams radio ii) Have you had any unpleasant dreams about your illness or hospital admission? 1, Yes ; 0, No
mha_ptsd_thoughts radio iii) Have you tried to avoid thoughts or feelings about your illness or hospital admission? 1, Yes ; 0, No
mha_ptsd_memories_detail radio i) How much do these memories bother you? 1, mild ; 2, moderate ; 3, severe ; 4, extreme
mha_ptsd_dreams_detail radio ii) How much do these dreams bother you? 1, mild ; 2, moderate ; 3, severe ; 4, extreme
mha_ptsd_thoughts_detail radio iii) How much effort do you make to avoid these thoughts or feelings? 1, mild ; 2, moderate ; 3, severe ; 4, extreme
mha_lonely_lack c) Regarding loneliness and mental health, please complete the following: radio How often do you feel that you lack companionship? 1, Harly ever ; 2, Some of the time ; 3, Often
mha_lonely_left radio How often do you feel left out? 1, Harly ever ; 2, Some of the time ; 3, Often
mha_lonely_iso radio How often do you feel isolated from others? 1, Harly ever ; 2, Some of the time ; 3, Often
mha_lonely_lon radio How often do you feel lonely? 1, Harly ever ; 2, Some of the time ; 3, Often
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