Lab Log Additional Tests - isaric4c/wiki GitHub Wiki

Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
add_blood_date text Date
haema_done Haematological Profile checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, Folate ; 2, Vitamin B12 ; 3, Iron ; 4, LDH
folate_less_greater dropdown Folate - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
folate text Folate - Result (μg/L)
folate_other_unit text Folate - If using a different unit other than μg/L
b12_less_greater dropdown Vitamin B12 - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
b12 text Vitamin B12 - Result (ng/L)
b12_other_unit text Vitamin B12 - If using a different unit other than ng/L
iron_less_greater dropdown Iron - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
iron text Iron - Result (μmol/L)
iron_other_unit text Iron - If using a different unit other than μmol/L
ldh_less_greater dropdown LDH - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
ldh text LDH - Result (U/L)
ldh_other_unit text LDH - If using a different unit other than U/L
tft_done Thyroids function tests checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, TSH ; 2, Free thyroxine (T4)
tsh_less_greater dropdown TSH - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
tsh text TSH - Result (miu/L)
miu_other_unit text TSH - If using a different unit other than miu/L
t4_less_greater dropdown Free Thyroxine (T4) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
t4 text Free thyroxine (T4) - Result (pmol/L)
t4_other_unit text Free thyroxine (T4) - If using a different unit other than pmol/L
other_done Other checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, SARS-Cov-2 Serology
sars_cov2_result radio SARS-CoV-2 Serology - Result 1, Positive ; 0, Negative ; 2, Indeterminate
covid19 text SARS-Cov-2 Serology - Result (Legacy field)