ISARIC Variables Added During Cleaning - isaric4c/wiki GitHub Wiki

Variable / Field Name Description Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
arm Arm that patient is in character Arm 1 ; Arm 2 ; Arm 3 [str_extract(redcap_event_name, "Arm \\d")]
arm_n Number arm that patient is in character 1 ; 2 ; 3 [str_extract(arm, "\\d")]
onset2admission Onset to admission in days numeric Onset to admission (days) hostdat - cestdat
anydat Available form date date Uses date from source in order of precendence: hostdat, daily_dsstdat, cestdat, dsstdat
age Age numeric Age on admission (years) Uses/calculates age in order of precendence: calc_age, age_estimateyears, (anydat - agedat)/365
age.factor Age, grouped into factors factor Age on admission (years) <50 ; 50-69 ; 70-79 ; 80+
daily_fio2c_lborres_converted Daily FiO2 converted into L/min numeric If > 15, then value is assumed to be FiO2%, otherwise values converted from x to y: 0 ~ 0 ; <= 2 ~ 0.24 ; <= 3 ~ 0.28 ; <= 4 ~ 0.32 ; <= 5 ~ 0.36 ; <= 6 ~ 0.40 ; <= 10 ~ 0.50 ; <= 15 ~ 0.70
daily_fio2_combined Combined FiO2 variables numeric ! ~ daily_fio2_lborres, & ! ~ daily_fio2b_lborres / 100, & ! ~ daily_fio2c_lborres_converted
ethnicity Ethnicity checkbox summary factor Ethnicity NOTE! If multiple ethnicities have been ticked, only the first (in numerical order of ethnic___X) will be identified in the ethnicity variable. Value will be: ethnic___1 == "Checked" ~ "Arab", ethnic___2 == "Checked" ~ "Black", ethnic___3 == "Checked" ~ "East Asian", ethnic___4 == "Checked" ~ "South Asian", ethnic___5 == "Checked" ~ "West Asian", ethnic___6 == "Checked" ~ "Latin American", ethnic___7 == "Checked" ~ "White", ethnic___8 == "Checked" ~ "Aboriginal/First Nations", ethnic___9 == "Checked" ~ "Other"
smoking_mhyn_2levels Smoking variable, grouped into 2 factors factor Smoking NO = "Never Smoked" or "Former Smoker" ; YES = "Yes" ; N/K = "N/K"
daily_pt_lborres_add_inr Where PT is missing, replace with INR calculation numeric PT If daily_pt_lborres is missing, replace with (daily_inr_lborres * 12)
any_daily_hoterm Any daily admission to ICU/ITU/IMC/HDU across events factor Any daily_hoterm == "Yes" across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_daily_nasaloxy_cmtrt Any daily high flow nasal canula across events factor Any daily_nasaloxy_cmtrt == "Yes" across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_daily_noninvasive_prtrt Any daily non-invasive ventilation (NIV, BIPAP, CPAP) across events factor Any daily_noninvasive_prtrt == "Yes" across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_daily_invasive_prtrt Any daily invasive ventilation across events factor Any daily_invasive_prtrt == "Yes" across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_daily_fio2_21 Any daily FiO2 greater than 0.211 across events factor Any daily_fio2_combined > 0.211 across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_daily_fio2_28 Any daily FiO2 greater than 0.281 across events factor Any daily_fio2_combined > 0.281 across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_icu_hoterm Any admission to ICU/HDU at any point during hospitalisation across events factor Any icu_hoterm == "Yes" across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_oxygen_cmoccur Any oxygen at any point during hospitalisation across events factor Any oxygen_cmoccur  == "Yes" across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_oxygenhf_cmoccur Any high flow nasal canula at any point during hospitalisation across events factor
any_noninvasive_proccur Any non-invasive ventilation at any point during hospitalisation across events factor Any noninvasive_proccur == "Yes" across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_invasive_proccur Any invasive ventilation at any point during hospitalisation across events factor Any icu_hoterm == "Yes" across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_trach Any tracheostomy inserted at any point during hospitalisation across events factor Any daily_trach_prperf == "Yes" across events then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_icu Summary of "any ICU admission" variables factor Any any_daily_hoterm OR any_icu_hoterm == "Yes" then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_oxygen Summary of "any oxygen" variables factor Any any_daily_nasaloxy_cmtrt OR any_oxygen_cmoccur OR any_daily_fio2_21 == "Yes" then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_noninvasive Summary of "any noninvasive ventilation" variables factor Any any_daily_noninvasive_prtrt OR any_noninvasive_proccur == "Yes" then "Yes", otherwise "No"
any_invasive Summary of "any invasive ventilation" variables factor Any any_daily_invasive_prtrt OR any_invasive_proccur == "Yes" then "Yes", otherwise "No"
status Summary of final outcome into 3 factors, "Discharged alive", "On-going care" or "Died" factor any(dsterm == "Discharged alive") ~ "Discharged alive", any(dsterm == "Hospitalization") ~ "On-going care", any(dsterm == "Transfer to other facility") ~ "On-going care", any(dsterm == "Death") ~ "Died", any(dsterm == "Palliative discharge") ~ "Died", any(dsterm == "Unknown") ~ NA_character_, all( & any(grepl("Discharge/Death", redcap_event_name)) ~ "On-going care")
place_name Hospital name (matches redcap_data_access_group for majority of cases) character Taken from full NHS hospital list across Scotland and linked by dag_id
postcode_e Hospital level postcode character Taken from full NHS hospital list across Scotland and linked by dag_id
redcap_data_access_group_e Hospital level redcap data access group character
country Country character Deduced from hospital level postcode
imd Index of multiple deprivation (IMD) numeric IMD produced from postcode lookup (look at 03_prep.R for more further information)
imd_quintile Index of multiple deprivation (IMD) factor IMD grouped into 5 levels based on deprivation, 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5.