CRF2A - isaric4c/wiki GitHub Wiki

Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
crf2a_version radio CRF2 Version Completed 1, Unversioned ; 2, 1.0 ; 3, 1.1 ; 4, 1.2 ; 5, 1.3 ; 6, 1.4 ; 7, 1.5 ; 8, 2.0
crf2a_date text Date of consultation
crf2a_consulting_clinician text Consulting clinician
crf2a_consultation_method radio Consultation Method 1, Telephone Consultation ; 2, Face to face consultation
crf2a_not_completed yesno Unable to complete? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_reason_not_done radio Reason unable to complete 1, Language ; 2, Declined ; 3, Died ; 4, No answer ; 5, Other
crf2a_not_done_other notes Other(specify):
crf2a_age Patient details text Age
crf2a_sex radio Sex at birth 1, Male ; 2, Female
crf2a_date_discharged text Date discharged from hospital
crf2a_lives_with text Lives with
crf2a_pre_con_pulm Pre-existing conditions (prior to hospitalisation for COVID19) radio Pulmonary 1, Yes ; 2, No
crf2a_pre_con_card radio Cardiovascular 1, Yes ; 2, No
crf2a_pre_con_diab radio Diabetes 1, Yes ; 2, No
crf2a_pre_con_hypt radio Hypertension 1, Yes ; 2, No
crf2a_pre_con_other radio Other 1, Yes ; 2, No
crf2a_pre_con_other_detail notes Other (Specify)
crf2a_consent Introduction and consent yesno Patient consent to telephone triage 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_sta_newmed Status since discharge radio a) Have you had any new medical problems? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_sta_readm radio b) Have you needed readmission to hospital since your discharge? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_sta_other radio c) Have you used any other health services since discharge (e.g. your GP?) 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_sta_newmed_detail notes New medical problems details:
crf2a_sta_other_detail notes Other health services details:
crf2a_recovered radio d) Do you feel fully recovered from COVID19 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, Unsure
crf2a_eq5d5l_done Activity and Self Care Assessment yesno a) Have you completed a EQ-5D-5L form? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_gppaq_done yesno b) Have you completed a General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire form? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_sarcf_done yesno c) Have you completed a SARC-F Questionnaire form? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_mrc_done yesno d) Have you completed MRC Dyspnoea Scale form? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_rcfs_done yesno e) Have you completed a Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale form? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_health_problem_done yesno Have you completed Health Problems form (part of the Patient Symptom Questionnaire)? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_mental_done Mental Health Assessment yesno Have you completed a Mental Health Assessment form? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_nutrition_done Nutrition yesno Have you completed a Nutrition form? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_new_problems yesno 10. Are you experiencing any new problems that we haven't mentioned? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_new_problems_detail notes New problems experienced
crf2a_info_at_discharge notes 11. What information would have been helpful to receive at discharge?
crf2a_checklist_ai Signposting checklist radio i) 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_aii radio ii) Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_aiii radio iii) Sleep hygiene https://w 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_aiv radio iv) Mental wellbeing - Daylight app/weblink wellbeing/ 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_av radio v) Alcohol - 'Drink free days' 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_avi radio vi) Physical inactivity -  'couch to 5K' or 'Active 10' 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_avii1 radio vii) Smoking: Advice 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_avii2 radio vii) Smoking cessation referral 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_avii3 radio vii) 'Smoke free' app 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_aviii radio viii) Weight management: 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_aix radio ix) Healthy eating - add local links 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_ax radio x) Rehabilitation services - add local links 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_axi radio xi) Social prescribing 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_b yesno 13.b) Follow locally agreed pathway where symptoms/ problems identified above (particularly progressive breathlessness) 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_c yesno 13.c) Send CXR request if no face to face follow up, and arrange review 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf2a_checklist_d yesno 13.d) Discuss sending research PIS - Does the participant consent to being contacted about future research? 1, Yes ; 0, No