CRF1A part 3 - isaric4c/wiki GitHub Wiki

Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
crf1a3_version radio CRF1 Version Completed 1, Unversioned ; 2, 1.0 ; 3, 1.1 ; 4, 1.2 ; 5, 1.3 ; 6, 1.4 ; 7, 1.5 ; 8, 2.0
crf1a_o2_supp Respiratory Support given at any point during COVID-19 admission radio a) Supplemental oxygen 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, N/K
crf1a_o2_cpapv radio b) Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, N/K
crf1a_o2_blniv radio c) Bi-Level Non-Invasive Ventilation 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, N/K
crf1a_o2_hfn radio d) High Flow Nasal O2 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, N/K
crf1a_o2_imv radio e) Invasive Mechanical Ventilation 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, N/K
crf1a_o2_ecmo radio f) Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, N/K
crf1a_treat_at Were any of the following treatments given during hospitalisation? radio a) Antibiotic therapy 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_treat_ss radio b) Systemic (oral or IV) steroids 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_treat_tdac radio c) Therapeutic dose anti-coagulation 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_treat_proning radio d) Proning 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_treat_rrt radio e) Renal replacement therapy 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_treat_tocil radio f) Tocilizumab 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_treat_saril radio g) Sarilumab 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_treat_remde radio h) Remdesivir 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_add_diag_pemt Were any of these additional diagnoses or complications made during hospitalisation? radio a) Pulmonary Embolism/micro thrombi 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_add_diag_cvvh radio b) Renal failure requiring CVVH or Haemodialysis 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_add_diag_myoc radio c) Myocarditis 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_add_diag_cmp radio d) Cardiomyopathy 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_add_diag radio e) Coronary thrombosis 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_studies Was the patient enrolled in any COVID Studies during hospitalisation? checkbox 13) Was the patient enrolled in any COVID Studies during hospitalisation? 1, GenOMICC ; 2, RECOVERY ; 22, RECOVERY-RS ; 3, REMAP-CAP ; 4, Synairgen SG016 ; 5, CAN-COVID ; 6, RUXCOVID ; 7, ACCORD-2 ; 8, PACA ; 9, Tocilizumab ; 10, REALIST ; 11, ACTT-EU/UK ; 12, Remdesivir Moderate ; 13, Remdesivir Severe ; 14, COVACTA ; 15, TACTIC-R ; 16, C-19-ACS ; 17, ILIAD-7-UK ; 18, LIBERATE ; 19, ATOMIC2 ; 20, STOP-COVID ; 21, Other
crf1a_genomicc_id text GenOMICC ID
crf1a_studies_other notes Other COVID IMP studies enrolled
crf1a_egfr_low Please provide the following values if measured: radio 14.a) Lowest measured eGFR 1, Enter exact value ; 2, >90 mL/min/1.73m2 ; 3, N/K
crf1a_egfr_low_value text 14.a) Lowest measured eGFR: Value
crf1a_egfr_low_date text 14.a) Lowest measured eGFR: Date of sample
crf1a_alt_high radio 14.b) Highest measured ALT 1, Enter exact value ; NK, N/K
crf1a_alt_high_less_great dropdown 14.b) Highest measured ALT - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_alt_high_value text 14.b) Highest measured ALT: Value
crf1a_alt_high_date text 14.b) Highest measured ALT: Date of sample
crf1a_bnp_done radio 14.c) BNP Measurementsi) Was BNP or NT-proBNP measured during admission? 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_bnp_type radio 14.c) BNP Measurementsii) What measure was used? 1, NT-proBNP ; 2, BNP
crf1a_bnp_unit radio 14.c) BNP Measurementsiii) What units were used? 1, pg/ml ; 2, other
crf1a_bnp_unit_other text 14.c) BNP MeasurementsUnit
crf1a_bnp_high_less_great dropdown 14.c) BNP Measurementsiv) Highest level recorded during admission - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_bnp_high text 14.c) BNP Measurementsiv) Highest level recorded during admission: Value
crf1a_bnp_high_date text 14.c) BNP Measurementsiv) Highest level recorded during admission: Date of sample
crf1a_bnp_last radio 14.c) BNP Measurementsv) Level of last measurement prior to discharge 1, Enter exact value ; 2, Same as highest level
crf1a_bnp_last_less_great dropdown 14.c) BNP Measurementsv) Level of last measurement prior to discharge - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_bnp_last_value text 14.c) BNP Measurementsv) Level of last measurement prior to discharge: Value
crf1a_bnp_last_date text 14.c) BNP Measurementsv) Level of last measurement prior to discharge: Date of sample
crf1a_trop_done radio 14.d) Troponin Measurementsi) Was Troponin measured during admission? 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, N/K
crf1a_trop_type radio 14.d) Troponin Measurementsii) What measure of Troponin was used? 1, cTnI ; 2, cTnT ; 3, hs-cTnI ; 4, hs-cTnT
crf1a_trop_unit radio 14.d) Troponin Measurementsiii) What units were used? 1, ng/ml ; 2, other
crf1a_trop_unit_other text 14.d) Troponin MeasurementsUnit
crf1a_trop_first_less_great dropdown 14.d) Troponin Measurementsiv) First level recorded during hospital admission - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_trop_first text 14.d) Troponin Measurementsiv) First level recorded during hospital admission
crf1a_trop_first_date text 14.d) Troponin Measurementsiv) First level recorded during hospital admission: Date of sample
crf1a_trop_high radio 14.d) Troponin Measurementsv) Highest level recorded during admission 1, Enter exact value ; 2, Same as first level
crf1a_trop_high_less_great dropdown 14.d) Troponin Measurementsv) Highest level recorded during admission - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_trop_high_value text 14.d) Troponin Measurementsv) Highest level recorded during admission: Value
crf1a_trop_high_date text 14.d) Troponin Measurementsv) Highest level recorded during admission: Date of sample
crf1a_haema_not_done Haematology results panel (at admission) checkbox Please tick any test that is NOT DONE 1, Haemoglobin (Hb) ; 2, White Blood Cell (WBC) count ; 3, Neutrophil count ; 4, Lymphocyte count ; 5, Eosinophil count ; 6, Platelet (PLT) count ; 7, Mean cell volume (MCV) ; 8, INR ; 9, APTT ; 10, D-dimer level ; 11, Fibrinogen level
crf1a_haemo_less_great dropdown Haemoglobin (Hb) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_haemoglobin text Haemoglobin (Hb)
crf1a_wbc_less_great dropdown White Blood Cell (WBC) Count - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_wbc text White Blood Cell (WBC) count
crf1a_neutro_less_great dropdown Neutrophil Count - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_neutrophil_count text Neutrophil count
crf1a_lympho_less_great dropdown Lymphocyte Count - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_haema_lymph text Lymphocyte count
crf1a_eos_less_great dropdown Eosinophil Count - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_eosinophil_count text Eosinophil count
crf1a_plt_less_great dropdown Platelet (PLT) Count - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_platelet_plt_count text Platelet (PLT) count
crf1a_mcv_less_great dropdown Mean Cell Volume (MCV) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_mcv text Mean cell volume (MCV)
crf1a_inr_less_great dropdown INR - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_inr text INR
crf1a_aptt_less_great dropdown APTT - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_aptt text APTT
crf1a_d_dimer_less_great dropdown D-dimer level - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_d_dimer_unit radio D-dimer level - Measurement 1, ug/mL or mg/L ; 2, ng/mL or ug/L
crf1a_d_dimer_assay radio D-dimer level - Measurement 1, FEU ; 2, DDU
crf1a_d_dimer_level text D-dimer level
crf1a_fib_less_great dropdown Fibrinogen level - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_fibrinogen text Fibrinogen level
crf1a_biochem_not_done Biochemistry panel (at admission) checkbox Please tick any test that is NOT DONE 1, Sodium (Na) ; 2, Potassium (K) ; 3, Urea ; 4, Creatinine ; 5, eGFR ; 6, Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) ; 7, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) ; 8, Total Bilirubin ; 9, CRP ; 10, Ferritin ; 11, Magnesium (mg) ; 12, Serum Cortisol ; 13, Procalcitonin ; 14, Interleukin-6
crf1a_na_less_great dropdown Sodium (Na) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_na text Sodium (Na)
crf1a_k_less_great dropdown Potassium (K) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_k text Potassium (K)
crf1a_urea_less_great dropdown Urea - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_urea text Urea
crf1a_creat_less_great dropdown Creatinine - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_creatinine text Creatinine
crf1a_biochem_egfr_90 yesno Is eGFR value > 90? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf1a_egfr_int text eGFR
crf1a_alt_less_great dropdown Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_alt text Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
crf1a_alp_less_great dropdown Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_alp text Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
crf1a_bili_less_great dropdown Total Bilirubin - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_bilirubin text Total Bilirubin
crf1a_crp_less_great dropdown CRP - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_crp text CRP
crf1a_ferr_less_great dropdown Ferritin - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_ferritin text Ferritin
crf1a_mg_less_great dropdown Magnesium (mg) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_mg text Magnesium (mg)
crf1a_ser_cor_less_great dropdown Serum Cortisol - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_serum_cortisol text Serum Cortisol
crf1a_procal_less_great dropdown Procalcitonin - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_procalcitonin text Procalcitonin
crf1a_inter6_less_great dropdown Interleukin-6 - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
crf1a_interleukin_6 text Interleukin-6
crf1a_aki_adm Acute Kidney Injury Stage radio AKI Stage at admission 0, None ; 1, Stage 1 ; 2, Stage 2 ; 3, Stage 3
crf1a_high_aki_adm radio Highest AKI Stage during admission 0, None ; 1, Stage 1 ; 2, Stage 2 ; 3, Stage 3
crf1a_isaric_enrol_yn Co-enrolment in other observational studies yesno Has the patient been enrolled in the ISARIC-4C study? 1, Yes ; 0, No
crf1a_isaric_id text ISARIC-4C ID