Planar impact in Lagrangian mode - isale-code/isale-wiki GitHub Wiki

Description and Instructions

This example simulates, in a Lagrangian representation, the impact of an iron plate hitting a quartzite target at 600 m/s, with an iron buffer plate behind the target. The impact initiates a shock wave which travels through the quartzite target. At the interface between the back of the target and an iron buffer plate, the shock wave reflects back into the target and transmits a shock wave into the buffer. As the initial shock wave reaches the back of the impacting plate, a release wave is sent back through the impactor, and into the target. In contrast to the Eulerian simulation, the right edge of the mesh in the Lagrangian version is a free surface. This implies that a release wave is also generated at the edge of contact plane between the impactor and target; this propagates in towards the symmetry axis at the same time that the shock is propagating into the target and projectile.

This example illustrates the limitations of the Lagrangian approach for simulating high-deformation processes. It can be used as a template for simple numerical planar-impact experiments analogous to laboratory plate impact experiments. However, note that in this example the strength of each material is neglected.

Running the simulation and post-processing

Go to the relevant example directory

cd /share/examples/planar_lagrangian_2D

Run iSALE2D. The simulation will take several minutes, so this should be run in the background.

./iSALE2D &

Go into the Plotting directory and produce images of the simulation to visualise the pressure field and a line graph of the pressure pulse at x=0 (output in @Pressure/@).

python Plotting/

Model parameters summary.

Below are highlighted the model options that differ from the Eulerian version of this example

------------------- General Model Info ---------------------------------
MODEL                 Modelname                     : Planar-Lagrangian

A cylindrical mesh geometry with a cell size of 0.5 mm and no extension zones. There are fewer cells in the vertical.

------------------- Mesh Geometry Parameters ---------------------------
GRIDH                 horizontal cells              : 0           : 100         : 0
GRIDV                 vertical cells                : 0           : 110         : 0
GRIDSPC               grid spacing                  : 5.D-4
CYL                   Cylind. geometry              : 1.0D0

The set-up type is @DEFAULT@ with no gravity field. The ALE model is set to @LAGRANGE@.

------------------- Global setup parameters -----------------------------
S_TYPE                setup type                    : DEFAULT
ALE_MODE              Eul/Lag/ALE                   : LAGRANGE
T_SURF                Surface temp                  : 293.D0
GRAD_TYPE             gradient type                 : NONE

A single impactor object strikes a two layer target. The iron impactor has a @PLATE@ geometry (extending the full width of the mesh) with a half-thickness if 26 cells. The impactor velocity is 0.6 km/s vertically down. In the target, the bottom iron layer extends from cell 1 to cell 40; above this is a quartzite layer, extending from cell 41 to cell 60.

------------------- Projectile ("Object") Parameters --------------------
OBJNUM                number of objects             : 1
OBJRESH               CPPR horizontal               : 26
OBJVEL                object velocity               : -6.D2
OBJMAT                object material               : iron___
OBJTYPE               object type                   : PLATE
------------------- Target Parameters ----------------------------------
LAYNUM                layers number                 : 2
LAYPOS                layer position                : 40          : 60
LAYMAT                layer material                : iron___     : quarzit

The simulation duration is 6 microseconds, with output saved every 0.1 microseconds.

------------------- Time Parameters ------------------------------------
TEND                  end time                      : 6.D-6
DTSAVE                save interval                 : 1.D-7

Boundary conditions differ in the Lagrangian version. The top, bottom and right boundaries are all free surfaces.

------------------- Boundary Condition Parameters ----------------------
BND_L                 left                          : FREESLIP
BND_R                 right                         : FREESURFACE
BND_B                 bottom                        : FREESURFACE
BND_T                 top                           : FREESURFACE

Deactivate the deviatoric stress model.

------------------- Control parameters (global) ------------------------
STRESS                Consider stress               : 0

Strengthless iron and quartzite material models are used, with ANEOS-derived EoS tables.

MATNAME    Material name          : iron___    : quarzit
EOSNAME    EOS name               : iron___    : quarzit
EOSTYPE    EOS type               : aneos      : aneos
STRMOD     Strength model         : NONE       : NONE
DAMMOD     Damage model           : NONE       : NONE
ACFL       Acoustic fluidisation  : NONE       : NONE
PORMOD     Porosity model         : NONE       : NONE
THSOFT     Thermal softening      : NONE       : NONE
LDWEAK     Low density weakening  : NONE       : NONE
POIS       pois                   : 5.0000D-01 : 5.0000D-01
CHEAT      C_heat                 : 4.4000D+02 : 1.0000D+03


The figures below show the pressure contours. The mesh is also shown so that the deformation of cells can be observed. Not long after the end of this simulation, the right edge of the mesh becomes so distorted that the calculation would grind to a halt (because of the time-step restriction enforced by the very small cell size).

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