tms_ur_demo - irvs/ros_tms GitHub Wiki


This package is an android project for the simple demo.
Implements a simple voice recognition using android APIs and a simple rossrv request.

1. Install the app to devices

The location of binary archives (.apk)

Generated .apk files are available at /ros_tms/tms_ur/tms_ur_demo/tms_ur_demo_client/build/outputs/apk/

Installation through Android Studio

Refer to this link.

2. Usage

Note: Assume that ref_demo service is active, or the apps just performs voice recognition.

Start the apps

Touch the icon named "TmsUrDemo".

Set the MasterURI

Type into the "Robot URI" window.
Then, touch "connect".

Start voice recognition service

Touch the button, "start button".

3. Services

If you say, The fridge door will SmartPal 5 will
"open", "open the door", "open the fridge" open say "open the door"
"close", "close the door", "close the fridge" close say "close the door"