tms_ts_ts - irvs/ros_tms GitHub Wiki
Tms Ts Ts
0. OverView
@pkg: break requested task down into its constituent parts(SUBTASKs)
generate python script for task executing. Subtask will be operated in sequential or parallel through task executing machine "smach".(SMACH:smach)
:speech_balloon:tms_ts_master : Receive user requests and store them to the list, manage the execution of subtasks and notification of errors (state_control)
:speech_balloon:tms_ts_nodelet : Decompose a task to subtasks, execute SMACH scripts using parameters defined in user requests.
1. How to run
- Preparation
roslaunch tms_db_manager tms_db_manager.launch
rosrun tms_ss_vicon vicon_stream(+ vicon tracker)
cd ~/choreonoid && bin/choreonoid(+ push necessary buttons)
robots' driver
// In move,grasp, and give tasks,
// it is assumed that TMS_RC for SmartPal V waits for the return command of each operation
// Note that smartpal5_2 has locally revised functions.
- Start TS and Smach Viewer
// run ts_master
rosrun tms_ts_ts ts_master
// run smach_viewer
rosrun smach_viewer
install smach_viewer
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-smach-viewer
:star: fix a bug
rewrite the 480th row of the /opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xdot/
return int(self.read_code()) -> return int(float(self.read_code()))
- Call service tms_msg_ts/ts_req.srv
rosservice call /tms_ts_master "{rostime: 0, task_id: 8001, robot_id: 2001, object_id: 7001, user_id: 1001, place_id: 5001, priority: 0}"
- About Id: See TMS_DB wiki
2. Result
In ~/catkin_ws/src/ros_tms/tms_ts/tms_ts_smach/scripts, there is new file ""
:shooting_star: Example:2014/5/7 16:12:51 →
3. Remarks
You can check a state machine with smach viewer.
rosrun smach_viewer
about smach_viewer