tms_rs_greeting_demo - irvs/ros_tms GitHub Wiki
smartpalV greeting demo for Open campus
@pkg: smartpalV's easy action and speech
0. The most simple service
// You can choose number to perform some specific demonstration
rosrun tms_rs_greeting_demo greeting_demo
1. Run
- Command
// smartpal_PC
rosrun tms_rc_smartpal_control smartpal5_control // for action
rosrun tms_rc_smartpal_tts smartpal_tts // for speech
// PC
// run node and register param\
roslaunch tms_rs_greeting_demo greeting_demo.launch
Call service
rosservice call /opencampus_greeting "id: 0 task: '[demo_name]'"
- srvice
srv_name: opencampus_greeting
.srv_file: tms_msg_rs::rs_task
int32 id // non-use
string task // demo_name
int8 result
tms_msg_rs/robot_task data
2. How to add new demo motion
- tms_rs/tms_rs_greeting_demo/open_campus.yaml : register params
- Please check parameter serverParameter Server.
:snail: About "main block","sub block","value"
1. main block
- motion
demo motion :nset of sub block motion. You can name main block's name systematically.
Naming rules
[demo_name] + M
- speech
[demo_name] + S
timing of speech(array double)
[demo_name] + S + _t
:ninja: main block: motion: speech: timing of speech = 1:1:1:1!
2. sub block
- motion
3. motion value/speech value
- motion・・・motion_value_name: [double joint_angle]
:grinning: allocation array
[0] | [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7] | [8] | [9] |
yaw | waistH | waistL | Rarm1 | Rarm2 | Rarm3 | Rarm4 | Rarm5 | Rarm6 | Rarm7 |
[10] | [11] | [12] | [13] | [14] | [15] | [16] | [17] | [18] |
Rgripper | Larm1 | Larm2 | Larm3 | Larm4 | Larm5 | Larm6 | Larm7 | Lgripper |
- speech・・・speech_value_name: 'string text(English only)'
How to check motion with choreonoid
:person_bowing_deeply: Be careful joint angle's positive and negative!!
change the line as below.
//motion_client = n.serviceClient<tms_msg_rc::smartpal_control>("sp5_control");
motion_client = n.serviceClient<tms_msg_rc::smartpal_control>("sp5_virtual_control");
// run necessary nodes for simulation
roslaunch tms_db_manager tms_db_manager.launch
cd choreonoid && bin/choreonoid
rosrun tms_rc_smartpal_virtual_control smartpal_virtual_control