tms_rs_action - irvs/ros_tms GitHub Wiki

To use tms_rs_action, you will first need to call the two following nodes (if you are using the Oculus' node oculus_move, these commands will be automaticly called)

rosrun tms_rs_action smartpal_simple_task
rosrun tms_rs_action simpletask_service

The communication between the client and the server is done via the message robot_task and the service rs_task :

robot_task :

int32     id
string    task
float32[] pos
rs_task :

int32  id
string task
int8 result
tms_msg_rs/robot_task data

You can use rqt to send the robot the tasks to do, but I find it more convinient to type directly in a terminal. That way, it may evolve to a voice control, ore something like that. If you are using Oculus' node oculus_move, a virtual terminal (Xterm) will open automaticly, and will ask you to enter a task.

You just have to type the task you want the robot (real or virtual) to do. Today (July 18th, 2014), the tasks available are :

"shake hand" : the robot introduce himself and give a hand shake

"incline" : another way to say hi, or thanks

"go to" : giving an X, Y and Theta coordinate to the robot, and he goes there, using the path planning

"find person" : finding the glasses (used for Vicon) and the direction they looking at, and make the robot go in front of them, one meter far

Please read the code (tms_rs_simple_task.cpp) to understand how it works, and to be able to add a new task.