Usage notes 2023 05 24 - ironwoodcall/TagTracker GitHub Wiki

Afternoon shift, TG and ZS. Morning used google sheets, converted to TT at shift change, shortly after 2pm


  • workflow is quite hairy.
    • Current:
      • google sheets saves to a nasty filename,
      • then rename (e.g. "today.csv");
      • move to TT dir, where (unnoticed by me) it was magiaclly renamed to "today(2).csv"
      • csv2tracker which created a TT file in current dir,
      • move to logs dir. Ugh. Incredibly prone to error.
    • better maybe:
      • without args, looks in system Downloads dir for the ugly Google download, converts that and puts in logs dir (warning on overwrite)
      • with args: reads list of filenames, converts each, but without renaming to full LOG_BASENAME style - just dates, and maybe back in the source directory?
  • does not identify/reject tags in the retired list. Is this good or bad? (NB check that reading of tag lists is in util - also linesplit() fn, per #108)
    • desired behaviour: let them in then let lint-check flag it for correction
  • has a bug which I keep changing on-site something like where tests for len(messages[oldfile] which fails if no oldfile key in messages
  • these added to issue #25


  • running TT on my testbed at home, config needs to be different (e.g. PUBLISH location) than on-site. See issue #108 for more

UI tweaks

  • ANSWER colour better as black on blue not white on blue, says ZS. (Which is likely true on the chromebook but very much not, on my windows machine. Hmmmm; does TT's colour management need to test for OS?)
  • more command better named busy (busy-ness report)
  • add average bikes/hour to busy report
  • add [start] and [end] args to form command
    • others as well?


  • allow 2400 as a valid time
  • consistency report has a zillion false positives when TT is set to uppercase. (Does cons report use a TrackerDay object? It should.)

trickier but worthwhile

  • the input() prompt squirts out control codes when use cursor keys (on chrmomebook. not on my python on windows). Can we do anything about that?