Usage notes 2023 05 22 - ironwoodcall/TagTracker GitHub Wiki

Today (Victoria Day) used TT the whole day as the primary info source. Workers were ZS&JM (AM); ZS&TG (PM). Went well (very well), its use allowed staff to keep up with some very busy periods of activity.

Notes and ideas:

  • "q" should say if a tag is retired
  • on reports that are future-dated, say something like "there are n future-dated checkouts not in these stats"
  • a "z" [for "zoltan"] report that:
    • identifies tags missing from sequences (that are not retired)
    • also does a lint check
  • make the colour bar on "checked out" longer (more visual differentiation between it & check-in)
  • make a transition/implementation page to keep track of which days are TT days, which Google spreadsheet days (so we know what data to put into aggregates)
  • bug #99 (minimum stays miscalculated) identified
  • makes tags uppercase (or at least allow an ability to do so)