Usage notes 2023 05 15 - ironwoodcall/TagTracker GitHub Wiki

TG on afternoon shift with ZS. Used TT for afternoon by converting gsheet using csv2tracker then playing catchup

These notes are copied from the issue I raised on ideas from that day, so they look more like an Issue. I have since decided stuff like this in better in the wiki

Tweaks &/or possible bugs based on use at City Hall 2023-05-15

Arranged in approx order of priority

PRIORITY 1 group

DONE - Allow delete a tag that has only a check-in

  • DONE (Is it possible to delete a check-in when there is a check-out? This would be an integrity error.) <-- is ok now
  • DONE - DO NOT ALLOW a CHECK_OUT EARLIER THAN CHECK-IN: this leaves logfile in an error state. <-- Seems ok
  • DONE - busy-ness does not appear to count check-outs, just check-ins
  • DONE change use of var time (name of a py module) -- changed to "atime"
  • DONE add "more stats" to help screen
  • DONE all prompts need to be in PROMPT not SUBPROMPT colour (too dim to see otherwise). In general colours on the linux on chromebook are very different. See colour styles in the wiki

PRIORITY 2 group

  • DONE Longest stay with list of tags -- the list of tags can be very long. Too long. Truncate if too long
    • "wa3, be2, wb4 & 12 others", or
    • "14 tags"
  • DONE Form command - list wraps onto a second line when lots ... prettify it?
  • DONE - confirm that program does something appropriate when reading log file about duplicate check-ins (or outs)
  • DONE when check in, put something at end in normal type like (bike # 14 - 12 bikes in valet)
  • DONE when check out, put something at end in NORMAL like (stayed at valet 3:14h)
  • DONE maybe L (log) is the diary thing and R (recent) is the recent ins/outs
  • DONE - add valet opening hours to commands, datafile read and datafile write

PRIORITY 3 group

  • periodically save a copy of the file to shared_files_path (e.g. /mnt/chromeos/GoogleDrive/MyDrive/tagtracker_logs/... etc.) Alternatively, do this with rsync in cron
  • csv2tracker -- make sure looking for, reporting same bike checked in 2x
  • csv2tracker -- look for check-out before check-in
  • for edit, delete, give a Q-style synopsis before further prompts. Maybe extra-indented
  • use pretty_time consistently in output
  • for anything that takes start and end, would it be better if it were
    • command [as_of] | [start as_of]
  • form command might benefit from start and end times. Maybe recent also.
  • for Q show extra info (like: duration of stay [so far])

PRIORITY 4 group

  • rework help screen to show the optional args
  • "undo" command reverses the most recent check-in, check-out, delete or edit
  • Allow edit a tag that is not yet checked in. Or consider optional [time] arg to checkin/out
  • form and audit reports: consider putting # of tags (on that line) somewhere on each line of tags
  • Recent - maybe default is half an hour instead of an hour? (so things don't run off the screen)
  • In all the various "answers" probably consistently put time first then other info


  • Consider what a GUI would look like