Glossary - ironwoodcall/TagTracker GitHub Wiki

For consistency and clarity. These has three areas. In order of precedence:

  1. Bike Valet lingo
  2. TagTracker prompts and reports
  3. TagTracker internal

Obviously in a perfect world these would all be the same ... ha.

  • One bike-in or return-out event. I like the word "event", but of course bike valet uses the word event to mean a contracted body of work lasting one or more days. Possibilities include: action, incident (bad), transaction (bad), ....?

  • Check-in, check-out. I prefer "bike in" and "return out" where possible, in order to emphasize that we are tracking the bikes, not the tags. This is a good business choice (the bike is the real world object with business value, not the tag) but is kind of backwards from what we do internally, which is definitely keeping track of tags.

  • Tag state:

    • Used/Bin: Tags in hand that were on a bike but the bike has now been returned out to owner are "in the bin".
    • Available: a tag that is known to exist, is not retired. It might be unused, be on a bike at valet, or finished (in the bin).
    • Retired: a tag that is not available for use because it has been removed from circulation (half is lost, or was on an abandoned bike)
  • Bikes on hand. Said to be on hand, in valet, at valet, or in corral. I prefer "at valet."

  • Kinds of bikes. We casually talk about "e-bikes" and "regular" (or "acoustic"!) bikes, but more formally:

    • Regular (I prefer "racked", but I think that battle is lost before it even starts). By business practice this includes bikes that could in general be racked but for some reason are stored on the floor among the racks (e.g. loose seat, balance too much to rear to hang on rack).
    • Oversize - anything that goes into the "oversize" area at the valet.
  • Time. "Time" typically refers to a time of day in HHMM. Lengths of time are better referred to as duration than length.

  • Timeblock: a period of time in which tag actions are aggregated, as on the paper tracking sheets. When context allows, can be shortened to "block".