Wiki Guidelines - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki
Append any module specific pages with module abbreviation- ; to differentiate between MATT's page for those actions and any pages we may add for the original module in the future.
example: Like [MATT-Roll Table](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/MATT-Roll-Table) to differentiate from [Core-Roll Table](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/Core-Roll-Table) if we make a page just about roll tables
If its core Foundry, use Core-.
If its a sample tile for MATT, use ST-.
Asset folders are organized by module. If its an action added by a Monk module, I'm going to add the files under that module's folder. If its a 3rd party module, I'm organizing them in MATT's Actions_Other_Modules folder.
Assets named are formatted as Action_Name, with _Example and _## being as added as needed. Not a big deal if something deviates, but we really should avoid chrome_03489352923.gif like I left a few recordings as on my wiki.
If an action or page from a module gets updated due to module changes, update the Page Last Updated at the bottom of that page.
If a page becomes deprecated for whatever reason, adjust the page header to DEPRECATED-Header
If a sample tile becomes deprecated, remove it from the Sample Tiles That Use This Action section of its various actions.