ST Color Selector (Color Picker) - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Color Selector (Color Picker)

A tile that lets you mass tint Tagged tiles using Tagger; the example just tints the tile itself.

Please note that the color picker UI is going to vary based on your browser.

Setup Required


Click here to view the Show Dialog HTML

Copy & paste the code block into the Show Dialog's content field.

<div>Please select the color for your tile.</div>
    <div class="flexrow">
<input type="color" name="hexcode" />
    <div class="flexcol">
Click here to view Tile Template JSON Data

Copy & paste this into Notepad and save it as a .JSON file. Then import it using MATT's Tile Templates.

  "width": 100,
  "height": 100,
  "z": 110,
  "rotation": 0,
  "alpha": 1,
  "hidden": false,
  "locked": false,
  "overhead": false,
  "occlusion": {
    "mode": 1,
    "alpha": 0,
    "radius": null
  "video": {
    "loop": true,
    "autoplay": true,
    "volume": 0
  "flags": {
    "tagger": {
      "tags": ""
    "betterroofs": {
      "brMode": 0,
      "manualPoly": "",
      "occlusionLinkId": "",
      "occlusionLinkSource": false
    "perfect-vision": {
      "lighting": ""
    "monks-active-tiles": {
      "active": true,
      "record": false,
      "restriction": "all",
      "controlled": "all",
      "trigger": [
      "allowpaused": false,
      "usealpha": false,
      "pointer": false,
      "pertoken": false,
      "minrequired": 0,
      "chance": 100,
      "fileindex": 0,
      "actions": [
          "action": "dialog",
          "data": {
            "dialogtype": "confirm",
            "title": "Color Selector",
            "content": "<form>\n<div>Please select the color for your tile.</div>\n    <div class=\"flexrow\">\n<input type=\"color\" name=\"hexcode\" />\n    <div class=\"flexcol\">\n</form>",
            "yes": "Continue",
            "no": "",
            "for": "gm"
          "id": "TL7z2luhkaRO3hpI"
          "action": "anchor",
          "data": {
            "tag": "Continue",
            "stop": true
          "id": "DOKrfC7PnPo661LW"
          "action": "alter",
          "data": {
            "entity": {
              "id": "tile",
              "name": "This Tile"
            "attribute": "texture.tint",
            "value": "= \"{{value.hexcode}}\"",
            "chatMessage": false,
            "rollmode": "roll"
          "id": "z6QCWAw8Rdkd6IlA"
      "files": []
    "tile-scroll": {
      "enableScroll": false,
      "scrollDirection": 0,
      "enableRotate": false,
      "scrollSpeed": 1,
      "repeat": 1,
      "pivotx": 0.5,
      "pivoty": 0.5,
      "offsetx": 0,
      "offsety": 0
    "exportSource": {
      "world": "matt-test",
      "system": "dnd5e",
      "coreVersion": "10.291",
      "systemVersion": "2.1.5"
  "texture": {
    "src": "icons/svg/d20.svg",
    "tint": "#0062ff",
    "scaleX": 1,
    "scaleY": 1,
    "offsetX": 0,
    "offsetY": 0,
    "rotation": 0
  "roof": false,
  "x": 1100,
  "y": 2400,
  "id": "AwSkGK4VQde0pBUs",
  "name": "Color_Selector_Color_Picker",
  "visible": true,
  "img": "icons/svg/d20.svg",
  "thumbnail": "icons/svg/d20.svg"

Page Last Updated

MATT 10.12

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