Monk's Chat Timer - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki
Monk's Chat Timer
A Foundry VTT module that adds the ability to set timers for your players.
Install the module via Foundry's Add-on Modules screen. Requires Chat Commander installed.
Usage & Features
Allows /timer
to be used as a chat command; this will produce a countdown timer in the chat window; format as /timer time flavor:Flavor String followup:Follow Up String
. Timers over 60 seconds need to formatted as minutes:seconds
; example, five minutes and fifty-five seconds would be /timer 5:55
/timer 5
will produce a timer that counts up to 5./timer -5
will produce a timer that counts down from five./timer 5:55
will produce a timer that counts up to 5 minutes & 55 seconds./timer 5 flavor:Flavor String
will add flavor text to the timer that appears when it starts./timer 5 followup:Follow Up String
will add follow up text that appears when the timer ends./timer 5 flavor:Flavor String followup:Follow Up String
will add both sets of text to the timer. Flavor text will appear once when the timer starts and again when the follow up appears.
This also adds the Chat Timer action to Monk's Active Tile Triggers.
The chat timer can now be popped out of the chat window by right-clicking to make tracking timers easier.
Bug Reporting
Please feel free to contact me on Discord if you have any questions or concerns. ironmonk88#4075
If submitting a ticket, please do so on this module's GitHub here.
This Foundry VTT module, written by Ironmonk, is licensed under GNU GPLv3.0, supplemented by Commons Clause.
This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License Agreement for module development v 0.1.6.