Monk's Enhanced Journal - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Monk's Enhanced Journals


Install the module via Foundry's Add-on Modules screen.


This module adds a variety of journal related quality-of-life features as well as several new and specialized journal types.

Additional Fonts

This module comes with additional fonts for styling your journals.

Background Music

Pressing this button will bring up a filepicker; here you can add a sound file and adjust options for it. If auto-play is enabled, the sound will play for a player whenever they have that journal open.

The sound can be toggled on and off using this button that will appear if a sound has been added.

This feature uses the Interface volume by default; if Monk's Sound Enhancements is installed, it instead uses the Sound Effects volume provided.

Bookmarks Bar

Adds a bookmarks tab across the top of the journal window; clicking the star will favorite the tab you're viewing. To un-favorite it, right-click the bookmark and delete it.

The bookmarks bar can be toggled in the module settings.

Custom Currency

Modifies the currencies shown in the Shop journals; this does not modify character sheets or system currencies, you will need to use other modules or worldscripts to do that.

Dynamic Fonts

To use fonts that scale with Foundry's core font sizes, you will need to format them as dynamic fonts in the menu.

Easy Journal Macros

Just drag a journal from the directory to the macro hotbar to create a macro to open that journal.

Find Note

Clicking the Jump to Pin button will pan the scene canvas to a note pin on the scene belonging to that journal.

Forward & Backwards Buttons

Adds buttons to move to the previous or next journal in the journal directory on the left and right sides of the window respectively.

Hide Inline Links

Hides inline links to any documents the viewing player doesn't have access to.

This can be toggled in the module settings.

Hide Notes from Note HUD

Adds a toggle button on a note's HUD to show or hide it from the players; it does this by toggling permission levels of the associated journal.

Inline Roll Requests

This feature requires Monk's Tokenbar installed and active.

Inline Link Styling

Provides several options to re-style links.

Monk's Active Tile Triggers Integration

Having Enhanced Journal installed adds new functionality related to the new journal types to MATT.

Page Anchor

Adds a field to canvas notes to jump to a specific section of text when the note is opened.

Right-Click Context Menu

By selecting a section of text within an Enhanced Journal, you can right-click that text to either send it to the chat window as a chat message, or extract it to a new journal entry. Extracting it will create a new journal named Extracted Journal Entry along with of all of the extracted text.

Quest Tracker

Displays any Quests and associated objects in your world. Visibility of the tracker can be modified in the module settings, and can be toggled with this button on the notes tool.

Quick Open Last Journal

Changes the action of right-clicking on the journal directory tab; now it will open the last viewed journal.


Adds a searchbar to the top of most journal types.

Show as Chat Bubble

Adds a toggle to the note configuration window; when enabled, a player right-clicking a note that they have Limited permission to view will display the contents of the journal inside a chat bubble on the note.

Show to Chat

Adds the option on the Show to Players window to send journal images to the chat window.

Show Player Permissions

Adds icons in the journals directory & on journal sub-pages indicating which players can view that journal; the icons will use the first letter of the user's name and their player color. The group icon represents a journal that has had it's global permission level adjusted.


Adds a collapsible sidebar to the journal window that will keep your journal directory a little closer to your working area.

Tabs Bar

Adds tabs across the top of the journal window; opening a blank tab with the + button will make the next journal you open from the directory open in that tab.

  • Journals can be dragged directly to the tab bar to open them.
  • Tabs can be dragged & dropped to reorder them.
  • Alt + Click to open a tab outside the MEJ browser.
  • Shift + Click to quickly close a tab.

Actor Tab

By dragging an actor onto a blank tab, it will add that actor to the journal window if you need to reference it during encounters.

Not available in all systems.

  • D&D 5th Edition.

Token Dialog

By putting text inside a List, or just a regular journal with dialog options in a bullet list, tokens can display random sayings when they're clicked on.

Add a journal to a token by using the dropdown on the token configuration window.

New Journal Types

Monk's Enhanced Journals adds the following types of journals; these are in addition to the core journal types and do not replace them.

These journal types can be converted to another type by clicking the clipboard icon in the upper-right; any shared fields will have their data transferred, and unshared data will remain but will be hidden.



Journal Entry (Single page)







Point of Interest




Enhanced Journal Tabs

These additional tabs are available for various journal types.





Relationships, Shops, and Townsfolk

Misc Notes

  • Shift + Click to clear saved images from the various journals types.
  • game.MonksEnhancedJournal.openJournalEntry(game.journal.getName("Special Documents TOC")) opens a journal inside the MEJ window.

Bug Reporting

Please feel free to contact me on Discord if you have any questions or concerns. ironmonk88#4075

If submitting a ticket, please do so on this module's GitHub here.


This Foundry VTT module, written by Ironmonk, is licensed under GNU GPLv3.0, supplemented by Commons Clause.

This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License Agreement for module development v 0.1.6.