MEJ Slideshow - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki


Plays a multi-media presentation for your players.

Details Tab

Show As

  • Canvas
  • Full Screen
  • Window


If checked, the slideshow will loop continuously.

Canvas Color

Fill color for any slides using the Contain sizing.


Audio File


If checked, the audio will loop continuously.


Audio volume.



  • None
  • Fade in
  • Fade in left
  • Fade in right
  • Zoom in
  • Slide in left
  • Slide in right
  • Bump left
  • Bump right
  • Rotate in
  • Hinge in
  • Flip in
  • Page in

Slide Duration

How long each slide takes to complete.

Slides Tab

Click the + button to add a new slide; each slide can adjusted to have their own settings independent from the slideshow defaults.

Slide Image

Filepath for the slide.


  • Contain
    • Displays the full image in the center; if it doesn't fill the screen it displays a stretched double of the image behind the main one, or fills it with the background color if one is picked.
  • Cover
    • Centers & crops the image to fit the screen.
  • Stretch
    • Stretches the image to fit the screen.


Drag & draw a text box on top of the slide image.

Page Last Updated

  • MEJ 10.15