MEJ Details - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

The Wiki Details Tab is available in Person and Place and are fully Customizable from the settings tab in core. The Details Tab provides a list of characteristics you may fill out for each character.

Setting Custom Fields

  1. Go to the Settings Tab on Core Foundry


  1. Go to the MEJ Settings
  2. Select Edit Person or Edit Place Attributes


You can also adjust the order in which the attributes appear by clicking the 3 lines to the left of the field code

  1. Click Add and type in the attribute code as ""CustomField" no quotations and the name as whatever you want it to be. Again for illistrative purposes I used "Custom Field" without quotations. Select whether its a hidden field or a multi line paragraph by selecting the checkboxes next to the name.


  1. Return to a place Journal and the new field will be present. image

Adjusting the Fields

You can click on the journal settings within the journal to show or hide fields on any person or place journal providing additional customization on individual entries. First click the settings gear on the individual journal. Next click or unclick any fields you want to show.
