MATT Trigger Tile - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Trigger Tile

Triggers the targeted tiles.

Use this to directly trigger a tile.

This Tile

Use this to trigger the tile itself.

$\color{red}{\textsf{Warning}}$: This will cause an infinite loop. Use responsibly.

Current Tiles

Use this to trigger the current tile collection.

Use this trigger all tiles with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.

Select Entity

Which tokens will be used added to the triggered tile's data.

Use this to directly add a token to the triggered tile's data.

Triggering Token

Use this to add the triggering token to the triggered tile's data.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to add the tokens within the tile to the triggered tile's data.

Player Tokens

Use this to add all player tokens on the scene to the triggered tile's data.

Current Tokens

Use this to add the current token collection to the triggered tile's data.

Use Tagger

Use this to add all tokens with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings to the triggered tile's data.


Enter the name of a Landing here that can be used as the starting action thread. This will override any automatic Landings on the targeted tiles.

Use Returned Data

Adds any data such as tokens or trigger method to the action thread on the triggering tile. This includes Stop Remaining Actions, if the triggered tile includes this action, the triggering tile will be stopped as well.

Allow Disabled

Allows the triggered tile to be triggered even when its disabled.


  • Triggering a tile via itself or a secondary tile is not tracked in the history log.
    • If the trigger tile results in an infinite loop with a token involved, there can be situations where it is tracked.
  • Does not trigger deactivated tiles unless the Allow Disabled setting is checked.
  • $\color{red}{\textsf{Warning}}$: This action can result in Infinite Loops and crash your Foundry. Use responsibly.

Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

MATT 11.12

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