MATT Start Encounter - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Start Encounter

This action acts as a combination of Create Token, Select Monsters From Encounter, and optionally, Add to Combat.

Select Entity

The following entity types are able to be targeted.

  • Journals in the directory or within a compendium (Only MEJ Encounter journals will work).

Current Journals Collection

Using this action following a Roll Table action, if the table's result is an Encounter, it will be selected.

Select Coordinates

You can select a specific location on the game canvas, or select the following entity types on the canvas to use them as the location.

Please Select Location

You can double-click this field to bring up the location details window. You can manually enter coordinates or entity IDs here.

Current Location

Using this action following a Roll Table action, if the table's result is text entries properly formatted to coordinates, the tokens will be created at those coordinates. {"x": 100, "y": 100} will create the tokens at 100, 100 on the canvas for example.

Use this to create the tokens at a Tagged entity of a valid type with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings. If multiple entities with the same Tag exist, the created tokens will be randomly divided up between them.

Start Combat

If checked, adds the created tokens to the combat tracker.


  • Requires Monk's Enhanced Journal to be installed and active.
  • You can target non-Encounter journals with this, but it won't do anything.

Page Last Updated

  • MATT 11.7
  • MEJ 11.08
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