MATT Show Image - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Show Image

Shows the image to the selected players.

Image File

Use the file browser to select an image file from within your Foundry directory.


An optional caption that will be appear at the top of the window.


Who gets to see the image.

  • Everyone
  • Players Only
  • GM Only
  • Triggering Player
  • Triggering Token Owner
  • Current Tokens Owner
  • Current Users

Select Entity

Use this to directly target a user in the player list to have them see the image.


  • This action continues to store its text information when swapped into another action, even if that action does not contain a text field. It's recommended just deleting this action instead if you need to replace it with something else to help keep data sizes down.

Page Last Updated

MATT 11.12