MATT Request Contested Roll - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki
Request Contested Roll
Requests a contested roll between two tokens.
Select Entity #1
The following entity types are able to be targeted.
Triggering Token
Use this to select the triggering token as the action's target
Tokens Within Triggering Tile
Use this to select all tokens within the triggering tile as the action's target.
Player Tokens
Use this to select all player tokens on the scene as the action's target.
Current Tokens
Use this to target the current tokens as the action's target.
Request #1
The drop-down will be populated with a list of rolls available in your system, along with basic dice rolls.
Select Entity #2
The following entity types are able to be targeted.
Triggering Token
Use this to select the triggering token as the action's target
Tokens Within Triggering Tile
Use this to select all tokens within the triggering tile as the action's target.
Player Tokens
Use this to select all player tokens on the scene as the action's target.
Request #2
The drop-down will be populated with a list of rolls available in your system, along with basic dice rolls.
Flavor Text
Flavor text that appears at the top of the chat card.
Handlebar Expressions
This text field accepts handlebar expressions, which can be used to customize the message based on existing data.
Sends the name of the triggering token to the message.{{}}
Sends the name of the triggering user to the message.
Custom HTML
This field can be stylized with custom HTML.
Roll Modes
Who can see the roll.
Bypass Dialog
if this is checked, it skips the Tokenbar dialog box.
If this is checked, the dice automatically roll when the request is run.
Continue With
Which tokens continue down the action thread.
- All Tokens
- By using this action with this setting and following it with a Redirect Request Results action, you can set up one action thread for tokens that succeed and another action thread for tokens that fail.
- Tokens That Fail
- Tokens That Succeed
- Requires Monk's Tokenbar to be installed and active.
- This action probably will not work in Sandbox System Builder
- If on Pathfinder 2E, the "Preview D20 Rolls" setting can override auto roll settings from the tile for the Gamemaster. You need to uncheck it. This window is found by clicking "PF2e Player Settings" in the Game Settings tab.
Page Last Updated
- Foundry 12.331
- MATT 12.02
- Tokenbar 12.01