MATT Ping - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki


When triggered, plays a Foundry mouse ping animation at the specified locations.

Select Coordinates

You can select a specific location on the game canvas, or select the following entity types on the canvas to use them as the location.

Please Select Location

You can double-click this field to bring up the location details window. You can manually enter coordinates or entity IDs here.

Use Current View

When used, this button sets the ping coordinates to the center-point of your current view.

Triggering Token

When used, this will ping the canvas at the triggering token.

Player Tokens

When used, this will pan each player's canvas to a token belonging to their assigned actor. Does nothing for the Gamemaster.

Current Location

Using this action following a Roll Table action, if the table's result is text entries properly formatted to coordinates, the canvas will ping at those coordinates. {"x": 100, "y": 100} will ping the canvas at 100, 100 for example.

Use Tagger

Pings the canvas on any valid entity with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.

Ping Style

  • Pulse
  • Alert
  • Chevron
  • Arrow


Who sees the ping.

  • Everyone
  • Players Only
  • GM Only
  • Triggering Player
  • Triggering Token Owner
  • Current Tokens Owner
  • Current Users

Use this to directly target a user in the player list to have them see the ping.


Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

  • MATT 11.12
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️