MATT Open a Journal - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki
Open a Journal
Opens a journal for the selected players.
Select Entity
Use this to directly select a journal to be opened.
- Journals in the directory or within a compendium.
Player Tokens
- This will open the oldest (no way to check this, sorry) journal that each player has ownership of.
- It does nothing for the GM (they own everything).
Current Journal Collection
By adding this action following a Roll Table action, if the table's results are journals, they will be opened.
If the journal is one with multiple pages, the dropdown will be populated with the page names. Only works with journals directly targeted with Select Entity
. This field will not display if targeting a single page journal provided by Monk's Enhanced Journal.
You can enter the name of a heading here to have the journal open there. This field will not display if targeting a single page journal provided by Monk's Enhanced Journal.
Show To
Who has the journal opened.
- Everyone
- Players Only
- GM Only
- Triggering Player
- Triggering Token Owner
- Current Tokens Owner
- Current Users
Select Entity
Use this to directly target a user in the player list to have them open the journal.
As Image
If the journal is just an image, it attempts to show it as just an image window instead of a journal.
How you want to handle permission level regarding the journal being opened.
- Check Permission: checks whether the selected users have permission to view the sheet, and limits the action to only those with with permission.
- Ignore Permissions: opens the journal for the users regardless of permission level.
- Assign Limited Permission
- Assign Observer Permission
- assign Owner Permission More information on permission levels here.
Use Monk's Enhanced Journal
If the journal is of a type added by Monk's Enhanced Journal, check this box or it will open it in the default journal UI, which will cause viewing problems.
- This action overrides permissions on the selected journal; this currently does not apply to any pages in the journal when selecting a multi-page journal.
- There is no way to Close Journal windows.
Page Last Updated
- Foundry 12.330
- MATT 12.02