MATT Move - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki


Moves the selected entities; this movement does not respect walls.

Use this to directly move an entity; the following entity types are able to be targeted.

This Tile

Use this to move the tile itself.

Triggering Token

Use this to move the triggering token.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to move all tokens within the triggering tile.

Player Tokens

Use this to move all player tokens on the scene.

Current Action Collection

Use this to move the current action collection.

Use Tagger

Use this to move all entities that have a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.

Select Coordinates

You can select a specific location on the game canvas, or select the following entity types on the canvas to use them as the location.

Please Select Location

You can double-click this field to bring up the location details window. You can manually enter coordinates or entity IDs here.

X & Y
  • Use + 100 etc to move the token relative to it's current position; Space is Important.
    • Both the X and Y fields need to filled out, even if its just + 0.
    • You can use dice notation to move a random amount.
    • Accepts Handlebar Expressions.

Current Location

Using this action following a Roll Table action, if the table's result is text entries properly formatted to coordinates, the entity will move to those coordinates. {"x": 100, "y": 100} will move the entity to 100, 100 for example.

Original Destination

This location can be used in conjunction with Stop Token Movement to have the triggering token continue to where they were moving prior to triggering the tile and having their movement stopped. This does have a slight delay that observant players may notice.

Use Tagger

Moves the target entity to another entity with a tag matching your Use Tagger settings. If there are multiple entities with identical Tags present, one is randomly selected as the destination. This option only works with Active Scene; attempting to move to an off-scene tag will result in failure and errors.

The following Taggable entity types may be used as a destination, attempting to use a different type as the destination will result in failure and errors.


This field only appears if a tile is directly targeted or a Tag is being used. It allows you select where the token will be moved to within the destination tile. If your destination is a Tagged token, this field does nothing.

  • Random Within
  • Center
  • Relative to Entry
    • If the token enters the moving tile in the upper left corner, it will move to the upper left corner of the destination tile.
    • This isn't perfect; depending on your tile size, grid size, and whether Snap to Grid is on, it may be off slightly.

Snap to Grid


How long the movement animation takes to finish; leave it blank or set to 0 to use your world's default movement speed.


Overridden if you have a duration set; the movement will be this many grid units per second.

Trigger Tiles While Moving

Turn this on to have a moved token trigger further tiles along the path.


  • Moving things such as tiles that players don't normally have access to requires a Gamemaster level user logged in.
  • Subsequent actions run automatically after the movement is triggered. If you need them to wait until the token reaches their destination, follow this action with a Delay Actions.
  • Moving a tile with enter, exit, or movement triggers onto stationary tokens will not trigger the tile being moved. The tile is entering their space, they aren't interacting with it.
  • Moving tiles is calculated using their center point; moving tokens are calculated using upper-left corner. Adjust accordingly.

Page Last Updated

  • Foundry 12.331
  • MATT 12.02
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