MATT Filter Tokens by Distance - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Filter Tokens by Distance

Filters tokens based on their location relative to the tile.

Use this to directly filter a token.

Triggering Token

Use this to filter the triggering token.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to filter all tokens within the triggering tile.

Player Tokens

Use this to filter all player tokens on the scene.

Current Token

Use this to filter the current token collection.

Use Tagger

Use this to filter all tokens with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.


  • Inside tile
  • Less than
  • Within
  • Greater than


  • Grid square
  • Pixel


  • Edge
  • Center

Continue If

  • Always
  • Any within distance
  • All within distance


  • This filter action has the Continue If built in, and does not need to be followed with a Check Entity Count, unlike most other filters. Though if you want a "Not Close Enough" redirect for your tokens, you will still need one.
  • This does not let tokens trigger a tile by movement from outside the tile borders.

Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

MATT 11.12

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