Printer CITIZEN CBM1000 Type II - interactiveticketing/pos-docs GitHub Wiki

Updated: 8/28/2013

Printer Driver Installation

Run the printer driver installer included in this package.

  1. Double Click: cbm1000ii_x32_v1600.exe

  2. Click ‘Next’ or ‘Install’ on each step until completed.

  3. When prompted with ‘Selection of output port’, select LPT1 if its not already selected.

  4. After the driver is installed, goto Start->Devices and Printers.

  5. Right-Click to bring up context menu, and select Add a printer.

  6. Select Add a local printer

  7. Select the LPT port that the printer is connected to.

  8. Select the CITIZEN manufacturer and the latest CBM1000 driver.

  9. Select ‘Use the driver that is currently installed (recommended)”.

  10. Use the name CITIZEN CBM1000 Type II (should be the default).

  11. Select Do not share ths printer when asked.

Configure CITIZEN CBM1000 Type II (disable spooling)

  1. Navigate Menu: Start -> Devices and Printers

  2. Double-click: CITIZEN CBM1000 Type II

  3. Navigate Menu: Printer -> Properties

  4. Select Tab: Advanced

  5. Select Option: Print directly to the printer

Configure POS Application

Navigate Menu: Start -> Interactive Ticketing POS -> Configure

Checkbox Item: CITIZEN

Select Option: CITIZEN CBM1000 Type II