95 (References) FPGA - intel-aero/meta-intel-aero GitHub Wiki
References used in this page are from Altera.com
Intel Aero Dev Kit has integrated a MAX10 FPGA 10M08SAM153 and to use it, following are required:
- JAM STAPL player, which is provided as part of the OS Image
root@intel-aero:/# jam
Jam STAPL Player Version 2.5 (20040526)
Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Altera Corporation
Usage: jam [options] <filename>
Available options:
-h : show help message
-v : show verbose messages
-a<action> : specify action name (Jam STAPL)
-d<var=val> : initialize variable to specified value (Jam 1.1)
-d<proc=1> : enable optional procedure (Jam STAPL)
-d<proc=0> : disable recommended procedure (Jam STAPL)
-s<port> : serial port name (for BitBlaster)
-r : don't reset JTAG TAP after use
- Firmware converted to the JAM file format, a sample firmware is located in /etc folder.
root@intel-aero:/# ls /etc/*.jam
For FPGA Fundamentals you can refer to Altera's online training or check out the Documentation section at the end.
A JAM file is a STAPL file in ASCII format, it is interpreted by the jam player to program an FPGA device.
After sucessfully creating and compiling a design with Quartus Prime, the resulting programmable object file (.pof) can be converted by following the instructions Create JAM, JBC, SVF, or ISC File Dialog Box from the Quartus Help.
This will produce the desired jam file formate to be copied to the Aero platform.
In this example the process to copy the jam file from a Host PC to the Aero board from a flash drive is described.
It is assumed that the flash drive has a known partition file system (i.e. vfat) and that the JAM file has been copied into the root folder of the flash drive.
On Aero Board:
Poky (Yocto Project Reference Distro) 2.1.1 intel-aero /dev/ttyS1
intel-aero login: root
root@intel-aero:~# mkdir temp
root@intel-aero:~# mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 ~/temp
root@intel-aero:~# cp ~/temp/my_fpga_firmware.jam /home/root/
A sample JAM file is provided in /etc/aerofc_compute_board_only_fpga.jam. The preferred flashing method for the MAX10 device on Intel Aero Board is through the OS command line using a port of the JAM Standard Test and Programming Language (STAPL) player (jam).
JAM firmware file will provide the supported actions that can be specified by '-a'. A quick command to check available actions is:
root@intel-aero:~# grep ACTION /etc/aerofc_compute_board_only_fpga.jam
The expected output from the actions specified through '-a' is as follows (the intended behavior for each action depends on how the user codes the design and generates the jam file):
- PROGRAM: This will program and verify for correctness the JAM file specified.
root@intel-aero:/etc# jam -aprogram aerofc_compute_board_only_fpga.jam
Jam STAPL Player Version 2.5 (20040526)
Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Altera Corporation
Device #1 IDCODE is 031820DD
full-chip erasing Max 10 FPGA device(s) ...
programming Max 10 FPGA CFM0 block at sector 4 ...
programming Max 10 FPGA CFM0 block at sector 5 ...
programming Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 1 ...
programming Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 2 ...
programming Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 3 ...
verifying Max 10 FPGA CFM0 block at sector 4 ...
verifying Max 10 FPGA CFM0 block at sector 5 ...
verifying Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 1 ...
verifying Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 2 ...
verifying Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 3 ...
programming Max 10 FPGA DSM block ...
Exit code = 0... Success
BLANKCHECK: Once successfully programmed or erased, this action will return whether the device is blank or not.
Programmed Device:
root@intel-aero:/etc# jam -ablankcheck aerofc_compute_board_only_fpga.jam
Jam STAPL Player Version 2.5 (20040526)
Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Altera Corporation
Device #1 IDCODE is 031820DD
blank checking Max 10 FPGA CFM0 block at sector 4 ...
Device is not blank
Exit code = 9... Device is not blank
Blank Device:
root@intel-aero:/etc# jam -ablankcheck aerofc_compute_board_only_fpga.jam
Jam STAPL Player Version 2.5 (20040526)
Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Altera Corporation
Device #1 IDCODE is 031820DD
blank checking Max 10 FPGA CFM0 block at sector 4 ...
blank checking Max 10 FPGA CFM0 block at sector 5 ...
blank checking Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 1 ...
blank checking Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 2 ...
blank checking Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 3 ...
Exit code = 0... Success
- VERIFY: This will ensure that the contents as interpreted by the JAM player where successfully flashed into the FPGA.
root@intel-aero:/etc# jam -averify aerofc_compute_board_only_fpga.jam
Jam STAPL Player Version 2.5 (20040526)
Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Altera Corporation
Device #1 IDCODE is 031820DD
verifying Max 10 FPGA CFM0 block at sector 4 ...
verifying Max 10 FPGA CFM0 block at sector 5 ...
verifying Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 1 ...
verifying Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 2 ...
verifying Max 10 FPGA UFM block at sector 3 ...
Exit code = 0... Success
root@intel-aero:/etc# jam -aerase aerofc_compute_board_only_fpga.jam
Jam STAPL Player Version 2.5 (20040526)
Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Altera Corporation
Device #1 IDCODE is 031820DD
full-chip erasing Max 10 FPGA device(s) ...
Exit code = 0... Success
- READ_USERCODE: When enabled in the jam file , it programs a user defined code that can be used for tracking purposes or version control, if not used the application will return 'FFFFFFFF'.
root@intel-aero:/etc# jam -aread_usercode aerofc_compute_board_only_fpga.jam
Jam STAPL Player Version 2.5 (20040526)
Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Altera Corporation
Device #1 USERCODE code is FFFFFFFF
Exit code = 0... Success
- CHECK_IDCODE: returns the 32-bit ID code register from the FPGA.
root@intel-aero:/etc# jam -acheck_idcode aerofc_compute_board_only_fpga.jam
Jam STAPL Player Version 2.5 (20040526)
Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Altera Corporation
Device #1 IDCODE is 031820DD
Device #1 IDCODE is 031820DD
Exit code = 0... Success
In Aero Board, the ported JAM STAPL implementation makes use of SOC GPIOs to bit-bang JTAG protocol information and communicate with the MAX10 device. The GPIOs used are:
Signal | GPIO |
TMS | East 16 |
TDI | East 22 |
TCK | East 25 |
TDO | East 24 |
Alternatively, the platform exposes a 6-pin connector to be used with a USB Blaster Cable (if available). The pin out is:
Pin # | Signal |
6 | GND |
5 | TDO |
4 | TCK |
3 | TDI |
2 | TMS |
1 | VCCIO |
- MAX 10 Support: Getting Started, Documentation, How-To Videos, Online Tutorials.
- MAX 10 FPGA Device Architecture
- MAX 10 FPGA Device Overview
- MAX 10 FPGA Datasheet
- Design Examples
Sample FPGA configurations is available for reference. Altera Quartus Lite is used to compile the project.
The project contains implementations of several standard electrical interfaces. These include PWM, ADC, I2C, and UART. All are accessible via the Intel® Atom™ processor using its SPI bus.
FPGA block sits on SPI bus 1 with Chip Select 1 and is accessible using the spidev
interface. Below are some examples on modifying some of the IP blocks in the FPGA.
D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
RW | A6 | A5 | A4 | A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Bit[7] – Command Bit (1 - Read operation, 0 – Write Operation)
Bit[6:0] - Register Address of the SPI Internal registers.
There are 2-byte frequency registers to configure each PWM output. Register value = 25MHz/Desired PWM frequency,
To set PWM0, for instance, to a frequency of 500Hz (2 ms) and 50% Duty Cycle (1 ms), the frequency register should be set to a value of, 25,000,000/500 = 50,000 which is 0xC350.
The sample application can be used to configure this.
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 5097 -w 2
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d C398 -w 2
The Baud rate for the UART transmission is calculated in a similar way. For a baud rate of 115200 (default), Baud Rate Value = 25,000,000/115200 = 217 which is 0x00D9. Below is the sequence to Write and Read from UART.
Set baud rate
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d D98D -w 2
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 008E -w 2
Write the value to transmit (0x55)
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 558F -w 2
Wait for operation to complete by reading the status register to make sure BUSY is low before moving on
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 0C -w 2 (bit 1 is BUSY bit)
Read the value that is received. Before reading, make sure RX_DAT_RDY is high.
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 0C -w 2 (bit 0 is RX_DAT_RDY bit)
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 10 -w 2
I2C operations involve more steps. To set I2C clock frequency to 400kHz, the same formula is used. 2,500,000/400,000 = 62 which is 0x3E.
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 3E91 -w 2
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 0092 -w 2
Trigger an I2C START operation
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 408C -w 2
Check if start operation is complete
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 0C -w 2
Once the I2C busy bit is cleared, send the Write operation (e.g. value of 0x55)
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 5593 -w 2
Once the busy bit is cleared, send the I2C STOP
spi_xfer -b 1 -c 1 -d 208C -w 2
Addr (Hex) | Addr (Dec) | Regsiter Name | Reg. Type | Bit7 | Bit6 | Bit5 | Bit4 | Bit3 | Bit2 | Bit1 | Bit0 |
00 | 00 | FPGA_REV_L | R | TBD | |||||||
01 | 01 | FPGA_REV_H | R | TBD | |||||||
02 | 02 | ADC0_REG_L | R | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
03 | 03 | ADC0_REG_H | R | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | D11 | D10 | D9 | D8 |
04 | 04 | ADC1_REG_L | R | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
05 | 06 | ADC1_REG_H | R | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | D11 | D10 | D9 | D8 |
04 | 04 | ADC1_REG_L | R | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
05 | 06 | ADC1_REG_H | R | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | D11 | D10 | D9 | D8 |
06 | 06 | ADC2_REG_L | R | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
07 | 07 | ADC2_REG_H | R | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | D11 | D10 | D9 | D8 |
08 | 08 | ADC3_REG_L | R | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
09 | 09 | ADC3_REG_H | R | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | D11 | D10 | D9 | D8 |
0A | 10 | ADC4_REG_L | R | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
0B | 11 | ADC4_REG_H | R | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | D11 | D10 | D9 | D8 |
0D | 13 | UART_BAUD_L | R/W | ||||||||
0E | 14 | UART_BAUD_H | R/W | ||||||||
0F | 15 | UART_TX_REG | W | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
10 | 16 | UART_RX_REG | R | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
11 | 17 | I2C_CLOCK _REG_L | R/W | ||||||||
12 | 18 | I2C_CLOCK _REG_H | R/W | ||||||||
13 | 19 | I2C_TX_REG | R/W | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
14 | 20 | I2C_RX_REG | W | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
15 | 21 | PWM_CTRL_L | RW | PWM7 ON | PWM6 ON | PWM5 ON | PWM4 ON | PWM3 ON | PWM2 ON | PWM1 ON | PWM0 ON |
16 | 22 | PWM_CTRL_H | RW | GLOBAL PWM ON | 0 | 0 | 0 | PWM11 ON | PWM10 ON | PWM9 ON | PWM8 ON |
17 | 23 | PWM0_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
18 | 24 | PWM0_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
19 | 25 | PWM1_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
1A | 26 | PWM1_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
1B | 27 | PWM2_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
1C | 28 | PWM2_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
1D | 29 | PWM3_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
1E | 30 | PWM3_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
1F | 31 | PWM4_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
20 | 32 | PWM4_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
21 | 33 | PWM5_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
22 | 34 | PWM5_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
23 | 35 | PWM6_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
24 | 36 | PWM6_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
25 | 37 | PWM7_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
26 | 38 | PWM7_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
27 | 39 | PWM8_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
28 | 40 | PWM8_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
29 | 41 | PWM9_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
2A | 42 | PWM9_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
2B | 43 | PWM10_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
2C | 44 | PWM10_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
2D | 45 | PWM11_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
2E | 46 | PWM11_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
2F | 47 | PWM12_FREQ_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
30 | 48 | PWM12_FREQ_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
31 | 49 | PWM0_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
32 | 50 | PWM0_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
33 | 51 | PWM1_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
34 | 52 | PWM1_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
35 | 53 | PWM2_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
36 | 54 | PWM2_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
37 | 55 | PWM3_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
38 | 56 | PWM3_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
39 | 57 | PWM4_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
3A | 58 | PWM4_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
3B | 59 | PWM5_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
3C | 60 | PWM5_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
3D | 61 | PWM6_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
3E | 62 | PWM6_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
3F | 63 | PWM7_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
40 | 64 | PWM7_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
41 | 65 | PWM8_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
42 | 66 | PWM8_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
43 | 67 | PWM9_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
44 | 68 | PWM9_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
45 | 69 | PWM10_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
46 | 70 | PWM10_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
47 | 71 | PWM11_DUTY_L | RW | R/W | |||||||
48 | 72 | PWM11_DUTY_H | RW | R/W | |||||||
49 | 73 | GPIO_REG | R/W | i/p | i/p | i/p | i/p | o/p | o/p | o/p | o/p |