Home - intel-aero/meta-intel-aero GitHub Wiki
Important: This repository is no longer being maintained
Important: Upgrade to BSP Image v1.6.1, Released on 2017-12-18
New: Install Ubuntu* 16.04 then ROS Kinetic on Intel Aero
Support forum: communities.intel.com
Code issues: github tracker
About Intel Aero
- Is Intel Aero right for me?
- OS and SW development methods
- What’s in the box, what’s not in the box
Initial setup
- Hardware
- Connection
- Flashing
First flight
- First flight with the remote
Installing Ubuntu*
- Installation from from USB
- Intel repository for drivers and user space tools
Video course
- Formats: Youtube playlist, slides, pdfs
- OpenSource: CreativeCommons-BY
Intel Aero Ecosystem
Drotek, Ardupilot, PX4, Airmap, Dronesmith, FlytBase