JS Styleguide - instructure/canvas-lms GitHub Wiki


Use AirBnB's style guide with the exception to items listed below.

Exceptions where AirBnB is not followed

Naming Conventions

When you are dealing with things that were .to_json'ed from ruby, they will be in ruby's underscored_method_name syntax


To mitigate XSS, here are a few guidelines:

  • never ever ever manually construct html snippets (e.g. $foo.html("<b>" + zomgxss + "</b>"). instead, prefer $.fn.text or handlebars templates to interpolate user data into some html.
  • along those lines, never ever ever use $.fn.html to set content (unless it's a handlebars template). even if you're sure it's safe, a later refactor/change could easily make it unsafe. so don't do it.
  • if you need to intersperse HTML into your I18n (say, a link), you should really use a handlebars template. to be fair, the i18nwrapper functionality auto-escapes interpolated data so that the result is i18n-safe (e.g. I18n.t("foo", "ohai *%{name}*", {name: "<script>alert('lol)</script>", wrapper: "<b>$1</b>"}) becomes "ohai <b>&lt;script&gt;alert('lol)&lt;/script&gt;</b>"). that said, I18n.t doesn't normally html-escape the result (or interpolated data). because of this, a safe string could easily become unsafe or double-escaped in a refactor of the content. so just use handlebars. it's the same end result, but you don't risk introducing XSS when you refactor.
  • there is an htmlEscape helper, but you should be writing/refactoring code in such a way that we never need to explicitly use it.


How do I get variables from rails into my js?

There should never be any case to ever do <% js_block do %> or have hidden elements with important data floating around on the page, instead from rails use js_env.


# from a controller or view
js_env :TOPIC => {
  :ID => @topic.id,
  :URL => named_context_url(@context, :context_discussion_topic_url, @topic),
    :CAN_REPLY => !(@topic.for_group_assignment? || @topic.locked?)

# in your coffeeScript


Don't return false inside of jQuery event callbacks

Be explicit about what you are wanting to do. Usually, you just want to e.preventDefault() if you are handling a click on something (so it doesn't follow the link). If you do e.stopPropagation(), put an inline comment of why, and only do it if you really have to.

another pattern is to do

define(["compiled/fn/preventDefault"], function (preventDefault) {
  return $("foo").click(
    preventDefault(function () {
      return console.log("this fn doesn't care about the event arg");
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