Command List - inferno-collection/Fire-EMS-Pager GitHub Wiki

Commands List for Fire/EMS Pager + Fire Siren

<required> {optional}

Commands explained in more detail in Development Showcase video

Watch the Development Showcase video

/pager {tones}

From the pager being off, enter the tones you want to be tuned to, or if already tuned, all the tones you want to be retuned to.


From already being tuned on, will turn off pager.

/page <tones> {<-> Details go here, such as location.}

If no other tones are currently being paged, will page entered tones, and if a - and further text added, with show message with details. Put a space between each tone, and make sure to add a - before adding deails, as seen below.
Ex: /page fire medical - New Call Assignment in Sandy Shores
Ex: /page medical other

/cancelpage <tones> {<-> Details go here, such as reason for cancel.}

Plays a stand-down tone for a specific set of tones, and shows a message indicating the call has been canceled.

/firesiren <stations>

If no other sirens are currently being sounded, will sound fire siren at entered stations. Put a space between each station.


/pagerwhitelist <reload (or) player hex/server id>

Type 'reload' to reload the current whitelist, or if you are adding to the whitelist, type out the player's steam hex, or put the player's server ID from the player list, then list all the commands the player will have access to.
Ex: /pagerwhitelist reload
Ex: /pagerwhitelist steam:1100001076264E1 pager
Ex: /pagerwhitelist 1100001076264E1 pager page cancelpage firesiren
Ex: /pagerwhitelist 4 page

If you have any troubles, suggestions, feedback, etc, please check the Wiki, create a new issue, and/or contact us on Discord.

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