01 Installation - inanevin/LinaVG GitHub Wiki


Download a release from Releases.

Recommended way of using LinaVG is to link it together with your application using CMake. Alternatively, you can build the CMake project yourself and link to produced binaries, but please mind that you also have to link to the produced FreeType binaries if you choose to do it this way.

Use LINAVG_BUILD_EXAMPLES option to build the example project.

# Clone LinaVG
git clone https://github.com/inanevin/LinaVG

# Create a directory for solution directory
mkdir build_x64

# Navigate to directory
cd build_x64

# Build LinaVG & examples
cmake ../ -DLINAVG_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A "x64"

# After the project files are built, you can build the project via
cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD

Note: LinaVG requires C++ 17 features.