Updating Gateware - in3otd/Hermes-Lite2 GitHub Wiki

Gateware updates are announced on the Google Groups discussion forum.

Currently the Hermes-Lite 2 gateware can be updated with either

  • Ethernet
  • an Altera USB Blaster
  • a Raspberry PI


Gateware update via Ethernet is available only if the board has already gateware version 412 (20190412) or later. If the board was never programmed before, the initial gateware programming has to be done with one of the other methods below.

SparkSDR or OpenHPSDR Protocol 1 Programmers are used to update the gateware over Ethernet. The gateware format needed is the raw binary format (.rbf file).

For the OpenHPSDR Programmers you can use one of the pre-compiled executables (HPSDRProgrammer_V2_nopcap) or compile the programmer from the source code on GitHub. Note that the HPSDRProgrammer not the HPSDRBootloader is needed.

If you can connect and use the radio via Ethernet then the SWs above will also be able to update its gateware. Updating over WiFi is not recommended but should work over a good connection, If programming fails do not power the radio down, just keep retrying without leaving the programming software.

In the unlikely event that a programming session fails, the radio will need to be re-programmed using the USB Blaster or Raspberry Pi methods described below.

USB Blaster Clone

This Altera USB Blaster programming cable may be used to update the FPGA gateware. These are available from many sources found if one searches for Altera USB Blaster. There are a variety of units, but the least expensive ones in the $3 to $7 range work fine. There are some issues with Windows 10 and STM-based models. Please see this thread.

If using an Altera USB Blaster or clone with Quartus software please see the HL2 Firmware Update video.

A genuine Altera USB Blaster Rev B dates 2004 has been reported to work too as well as later Rev C units.

Quartus version 14 and above are only compatible with 64 bit Windows. So if you are using 32 Bit windows then you will probably need to choose V13.1.

Raspberry Pi

Please see the Raspberry Pi Test page for details on how to program and test a Hermes-Lite 2.0 with only a Raspberry Pi.