PLRH specific functions - ilabs-kdc/bluesky GitHub Wiki

This section will provide an overview of the PLRH specific functions (in LVNL variables)


allows for individual changes in trail color of aircraft. can be done using a color, or rgb value. It works by making a group for each distinct color. If the aircraft is in another group, it will be removed from that group.


add a waypoint to the beginning of the aircraft route


a function to provide the user with a destination of the aircraft, without setting it in the route. It will show on the Interaction Area


a function to not only follow, but also intercept an ILS approach. Can be used on any airport and runway combination, but will work best at Schiphol. It will use the autopilot set heading, not the current heading. It does so by making a new waypoint at the estimated crossing point, and following the route. It can be used simply by using 'INTERCEPT CALLSIGN [rwy, dest, hdg]' if a runway is allready assigned. It can also be used in the TID's> function tid>CFL/EFL>APP and then execute, or select runway and then execute. note that there is an error present, please refer to Jorn van Beek if fixing is required!


a plugin which lets you store a new navdata cachefile, especially usefull if many waypoints need to be loaded. First, load the new waypoints. Next, simply initiate the plugin by using PLUGIN CACHEDATA, then CACHEDATA. It will start caching the navdata to data>cache>py3 in a file called navdata.p The old file is renamed to [today's date]navdata.p The new navdata.p is automatically used when reloading bluesky, so no need to reload the waypoints


Adds a distance to go to the next waypoint in the autopilot to the aircraft label if selected. can be switched on by using showdistnextwp = True in the settings file and specify 'NEXTWP' in enabled plugins.

Interaction area:

please look at the separate IA section


on both function tids, added the show route functionality in a tid button

Autostart TIDS and IA

Automatically start the tids and interaction area by putting autostartTIDS = True autostartIA = True in the settings file