code:ttread - ikarishinjieva/unixV6-code-analyze-chs GitHub Wiki


  • 从 tty 读取字符
  • 传入1个参数 atp
    • atp : 指定tty
  • 使用的隐式参数(传入字符的目标地址,字符个数,...),参看passc

8530 /* Called from device’s read routine after it has

8531  * calculated the tty-structure given as argument.

8532  * The pc is backed up for the duration of this call.

8533  * In case of a caught interrupt, an RTI will re-execute.

8534  */

8535 ttread(atp)

8536 struct tty *atp;

8537 {

8538     register struct tty *tp;


8540     tp = atp;

8541     if ((tp->t_state&CARR_ON)==0)

8542          return;

  • tty 未打开,则直接返回
8543     if (tp->t_canq.c_cc || canon(tp))
  • tty 非原始队列不为空
或 有元素 能从 原始队列 传入 非原始队列 则 ...
8544          while (tp->t_canq.c_cc && passc(getc(&tp->t_canq))>=0);
  • 完成 读取 工作
8545 }

8546 /* ------------------------- */


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️