code:sleep - ikarishinjieva/unixV6-code-analyze-chs GitHub Wiki
2055 /*
2056 * Give up the processor till a wakeup occurs
2057 * on chan, at which time the process
2059 * The most important effect of pri is that when
2060 * pri<0 a signal cannot disturb the sleep;
2061 * if the pri>=0 signals will be processed.
2062 * Callers of this routine must be prepared for
2063 * premature return, and check that the reason for
2064 * sleeping has gone away.
2065 */
2066 sleep(chan, pri)
2067 {
2068 register *rp, s;
2071 rp = u.u_procp;
2072 if(pri >= 0) {
2073 if(issig())
2074 goto psig;
2075 spl6();
- 当进程睡眠优先权大于等于0时,在睡眠前先判断有无 信号,若有,则进入 信号处理
2076 rp->p_wchan = chan;
- 关中断
- 此处关中断的原因:
- 为了防止在2076与2077之间由于中断而插入wakeup(chan),将p_wchan置回为0
- 接着2007行继续会进入睡眠状态,于是造成进程的睡眠原因为0,从而永远都无法被唤醒
2077 rp->p_stat = SWAIT;
2078 rp->p_pri = pri;
2079 spl0();
- 睡眠原因置为 chan
- 状态置为低优先权睡眠状态,参看进程优先级
- 进程优先权置为 pri
2080 if(runin != 0) {
2081 runin = 0;
2082 wakeup(&runin);
2083 }
- 如果runin被置,清runin标志,唤醒在runin上睡眠的0#进程,执行进程图象调入调出的工作
- 关于为何唤醒的是0#进程,参看进程调度之0#进程
2084 swtch();
2085 if(issig())
- 调用swtch进行 进程调度
2086 goto psig;
2087 } else {
- 在结束时再判断一下是否有 信号
- 若有,则进入 信号处理
2088 spl6();
2089 rp->p_wchan = chan;
- 关中断
- 此处关中断的原因同2075行
2090 rp->p_stat = SSLEEP;
2091 rp->p_pri = pri;
2092 spl0();
- 若进程睡眠优先权小于0
- 则将睡眠原因置为chan
- 将进程状态置为高优先级睡眠状态,参见进程优先级
- 将进程优先权置为pri
2093 swtch();
2094 }
- 调用swtch进行 进程调度
2095 PS->integ = s;
2096 return;
- 睡眠结束并且被选中上台时恢复睡眠前的处理机状态字
2098 /*
2099 * If priority was low (>=0) and
2100 * there has been a signal,
2101 * execute non-local goto to
2102 * the qsav location.
2103 * (see trap1/trap.c)
2104 */
2105 psig:
2107 }
2108 /*-------------------------- */