code:expand - ikarishinjieva/unixV6-code-analyze-chs GitHub Wiki


  • 进程图像大小变化时的相关处理
  • 传入一个参数 newsize
    • newsize:进程图像的新大小


2251 /*

2252  * Change the size of the data+stack regions of the process.

2253  * If the size is shrinking, it's easy-- just release the

2254  * extra core. If it's growing, and there is core, just

2255  * allocate it and copy the image, taking care to reset

2256  * registers to account for the fact that the system's

2257  * stack has moved.

2259  * swapped out after adjusting the size requirement--

2260  * when it comes in, enough core will be allocated.

2261  * Because of the ssave and SSWAP flags, control will

2262  * resume after the swap in swtch, which executes the return

2263  * from this stack level.

2264  *

2265  * After the expansion, the caller will take care of copying

2266  * the user's stack towards or away from the data area.

2267  */

2268 expand(newsize)

2269 {

2270     int i, n;

2271     register *p, a1, a2;


2273     p = u.u_procp;

2274     n = p->p_size;

2275     p->p_size = newsize;

2276     a1 = p->p_addr;

2277     if(n >= newsize) {

2278           mfree(coremap, n-newsize, a1+newsize);

2279           return;

2280     }

  • 若进程图像所需空间保持不变或者变小,则直接释放原内存中多余的空间,返回
2281     savu(u.u_rsav);
2282     a2 = malloc(coremap, newsize);
  • 若进程图像所需空间变大,则在内存中分配一块新的空间
2283     if(a2 == NULL) {

2284           savu(u.u_ssav);

2285           xswap(p, 1, n);

2286           p->p_flag =| SSWAP;

2287           swtch();

2288           /* no return */

  • 若分配失败,则当前进程无法继续在内存中滞留
2289     }

2290     p->p_addr = a2;

2291     for(i=0; i<n; i++)

2292               copyseg(a1+i, a2++);

  • 若分配成功
    • 将原进程图像搬至新分配的内存空间
2293     mfree(coremap, n, a1);

2295     sureg();

  • 释放原进程图像在内存中的空间
  • 为进程加载地址映照表
2296 }

2297 /* -------------------------*/





⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️