File:inode.h - ikarishinjieva/unixV6-code-analyze-chs GitHub Wiki
5678 /* flags */
5679 #define ILOCK 01 /* inode is locked */
5680 #define IUPD 02 /* inode has been modified */
- INODE块锁标志
5681 #define IACC 04 /* inode access time to be updated */
- INODE块被修改标志
5682 #define IMOUNT 010 /* inode is mounted on */
- INODE块被读取标志
5683 #define IWANT 020 /* some process waiting on lock */
- 该INODE块 装载 子文件系统
5684 #define ITEXT 040 /* inode is pure text prototype */
- 有进程在等待使用该INODE块
- 该文件是某程序的正文
5686 /* modes */
5687 #define IALLOC 0100000 /* file is used */
5688 #define IFMT 060000 /* type of file */
- 该 INODE 块已被分配使用
5689 #define IFDIR 040000 /* directory */
5690 #define IFCHR 020000 /* character special */
5691 #define IFBLK 060000 /* block special, 0 is regular */
5692 #define ILARG 010000 /* large addressing algorithm */
- 参看 文件系统之inode类型
5693 #define ISUID 04000 /* set user id on execution */
5694 #define ISGID 02000 /* set group id on execution */
5695 #define ISVTX 01000 /* save swapped text even after use */
5696 #define IREAD 0400 /* read, write, execute permissions */
- 该 INODE 块 为共享正文段的INODE,且不可被释放
5697 #define IWRITE 0200
- 读权限
5698 #define IEXEC 0100
- 写权限
- 执行权限