Modem - iimurpyh/pilot-lua GitHub Wiki

A part which is used to communicate data between other modems. !! This can't be used to access the web. !!

Table of contents



void Modem:PostRequest(string domain, string data)

Posts data on domain. Locking microcontrollers prevents peeking.

string Modem:GetRequest(string domain)

Gets the data listed on domain.

void Modem:SendMessage(string data, int id)

Sends the given data cross region to all modems with the NetworkId id.

string response, boolean success Modem:RealPostRequest(string domain, string data, boolean AsyncBool, function transformFunction, table optionalHeaders)

Creates a real POST request to the world wide web.

Event "MessageSent" (string data)

Fired when the Modem receives a message from another modem with the same NetworkId.