Microcontroller Globals - iimurpyh/pilot-lua GitHub Wiki

Microcontroller-specific globals. These are the bridge from the code to the game.

Table of contents

Getting parts

Part GetPartFromPort(int | Part port, string partType)

Gets a part from the port number you specify and the part type. One port can be attached to multiple parts, and partType selects which one based on its type (e.g. "Screen").

The port argument lets you specify which port you want to find the part in by its ID. You can see and change a port's ID by configuring it. You can also pass a Part to search for things which are attached to it. The function considers any table with an index of GUID to be a Part, so you can also do something like GetPartFromPort({GUID = SandboxID}, partType) to get parts attached directly to the microcontroller.

Code example

This example gets the Screen connected to port 1, then it clears it.

local myScreen = GetPartFromPort(1, "Screen") -- Gets a Screen from port 1
myScreen:ClearElements() -- Clears the Screen. See the docs for the "Screen" part

array GetPartsFromPort(int port, string partType)

Gets an array of parts from the given port number in no particular order.

Code example

This example gets all Switches connected to port 1 and toggles each to be active.

local switches = GetPartsFromPort(1, "Switch") -- Gets all switches on port 1.
for _, switch in ipairs(switches) do -- Loops over each switch in the list of switches.
    switch:Configure({ SwitchValue = true }) -- Toggles all switches.


Port GetPort(int port)

Returns the Port specified by the port number you input. This is the same port number from GetPartsFromPort.

void TriggerPort(int port)

Triggers a Port with the port number you input. This is the same port number from GetPartsFromPort.

Global Values

string SandboxID

The GUID of the microcontroller running this code.

number SandboxRunID

A randomly generated numeric ID that represents the current running microcontroller script. Each time the microcontroller is ran this value will be randomized, so it is a good choice for generating unique random seeds.


void Beep(float pitch)

Beeps with the given pitch. **Beep!**

table JSONDecode(string json)

Takes a json string and decodes it, giving you a complex piece of data.

string JSONEncode(table dataToEncode)

Encodes the data you give as JSON. This can be used to store complex data as a simple string. A ton of modern web services use JSON. JSON can only encode basic data, like numbers, strings, and tables. Anything else will just encode like nil does. That means that you cannot encode Instances, userdatas, functions, threads, etc.

void Communicate()

Unimplemented. Meant to be for cross-microcontroller communication, but it does nothing. Replaced by :Send() and :Receive() in unstable.